Thnx for tagging my dearrrrr friend~ lol XD
19. Actually I ain't that big of a just so happens that my friend Dawn_Hikari u all yeah in that context I befriended u all....but I am an average fan I guess (considering I used to read ffs on them 3 yrs ago)
20. Actually I don't have many friends.....1 bff, 1 childhood friend.....the rest r good but most of them either respect me too much or aren't interested in a bookworm like me (believe me, if they ever see me reading the things I read then ;) they r too young anyway, I usually am into more matured stuff)
All in all, they don't give 2 shits about me. So maybe they know I am an average fan or maybe not. I don't tell them anything anyway.
21. I don't have one😭😭😭
22. I hate no pokemon 😃 they r too cute to be hated ....even the big ones r cool....they all need to be loved....if any pokemon is rough, it's because they have had rough experience with humans..... unlike humans they don't do things out of greed
Conclusion? Love all the Pokemon equally 😁
23. Sylveon
24. Idk about it😅
25. Idk? Sorry 😅
26. Moltres
27. Can't choose.....both of them r so like...omgggg....Lugia & Ho-oh both r awesome
28. Again tag? 😒 Oh man people will kill me now
Let's not tag someone else 😅😂😂😂I have disturb u enough, paul_shinji
That's all!! Thnx for reading this....also I love seeing the votes.
Tagged book
RandomThnx to everyone who tagged me! since I am new, I feel welcomed now :3 everyone lots U can ask me anything....I don't mind....unless it intrudes my private space.... The name's jimin_jimochi, lovelies