• (george x alex) will you marry me?

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I was kinda down so I decided to write a nice lovey chapter. It is currently 4am as I'm beginning writing this so not the best quality writing.


Alex knew he was gay since he was a child, but had only come out to his siblings, closest friends and of course, his boyfriend of two years.. George... and finally, he was ready to propose

The boys relationship was kept a total secret from everyone but a few. George had been begging Alex to let him tell the world about their relationship but Alex wasn't ready....

"Happy Birthday babe." Alex said grinning, leaning  over to kiss his boyfriend. George sat up in bed as Alex placed a tray of breakfast onto his lap.

"Did you make this all by yourself Ally?" George asked looking into his eyes in amazement. "It looks delicious, thank you babe."

"Of course, you're 22 now! It needs to be special." Alex said smiling at him. "Now eat. I have something planned for today."

"Oooh what is it????" George asked, his eyes full of excitement.

"It's a surprise silly, and if I told you that would ruin it." Alex laughed. "Don't worry you'll find out soon enough."

"Ok fineee," George responded with a mouthful of pancake. "Can I at least get a kiss?" He asked, his face pouting cutely.

Alex pecked him on the lips quickly before leaning back laughing at George's whipped cream covered face. "there you go dummy."

"You call that a kiss? I'll show you a kiss." George said pinning Alex down on the bed and connected their lips together carefully then pulling apart and starting to place more kisses over Alex's face.

"Ok ok I get it." Alex laughed trying to escape from the swarm of wet kisses. "Now get dressed babe." He said standing up and throwing a shirt to George to put on.

"You're a jerk." George said, hitting Alex playfully with the shirt. "But you're my jerk."

After the young boys finished getting ready they finally left their apartment out to the crisp Monaco air. "Lets go get some coffee." Alex said excitedly grabbing George's hand.

"But you hate coffee babe." George said skeptically.

"I know, but today's about you remember.. and you love coffee." Alex smiled.

"Well you said you had something planned, so what is it."

"That is still.. a surprise." Alex teased. "But we have a bike ride planned in two hours, but anything you want to do before then, just tell me and we can"

"Aww babe, thank you." George beamed.

A couple hours later after a cup of coffee and a long chat they changed into their biking clothes and took a quick selfie before they started riding.

A couple hours later after a cup of coffee and a long chat they changed into their biking clothes and took a quick selfie before they started riding

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