• (max x daniel) blind date

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hey.. it's been a while, how are you guys? I missed you! I've been taking a break for a bit, since there's not been any f1 I've not had much motivation to continue. But I promise this book isn't finished. You're not getting rid of me that easy.

I blame my lack of writing on f1 house being on hold.. kidding lol, (love you f1addict7)

Lots of people have requested Maxiel, so I'm here to (finally) deliver :)

Ugh, I've got nothing to wear. Max thought to himself as he dug through his closet that was full to the brim with clothes. Tonight he was going on a date, and he needed it to be perfect.

"What's wrong?" One of his roommates asked walking into Max's messy room.

"Nothing, I just have no clothes!" Max said frustratedly

"Are was looking at the same closet?" Charles laughed. "There looks like there's plenty of clothes in there" pointing to it matter of factly.

"None that are good enough!" Max said in panic.

"What do you need it for anyway? Oh.. your date is tonight isn't it, with your mystery man." Charles said, realization dawning on his face.

"He's not a mystery man," Max said rolling his eyes, holding up a yet another button down shirt against him then shaking his head.

"Yeah you don't know who he is, therefore he is a.. mystery man." Charles pointed out leaning against the door. "Max, the shirts all look good. Just choose whatever one, I'm sure the 'not mystery man' won't care."

"I guess yeah, should I wear the blue or red shirt then?" Max sighed, there was no point in fighting anyway. One of his friends set him up on a blind date so he really didn't know what to expect. He said it's because it was painful to watch Max act so single, Max didn't care about all that but he was lonely so what's the harm on going on one date.

"Blue, it brings out your eyes." Charles laughed before leaving Max's room. "Have fun, use protection!"

Max glared at his now closed door, shaking his head he picked up the blue shirt that supposedly 'brought out his eyes' and put it on.

Max grabbed his phone off his bedside table and checked the time 7:02pm... shoot, he was supposed to leave at 7. Now on top of looking like shit he was going to be late, what a great first impression.

He checked the mirror one last time before calling a taxi. The whole ride Max was terrified, thousands of terrible thoughts filled his head about what could happen. What a stupid idea, why did he let Lando set him up with someone. He could be murdered or something. And knowing Lando, that's not a stretch.

The car stopped in front of a large restaurant. The building was two story's tall, full of windows with outdoor tables that lined the front.

A young blond woman was standing at the door waiting to seat people. "Hello welcome, do you have a reservation?"

"Yeah hi, I have a reservation for two. Probably under Norris?" Lando and Alex set this whole thing up, and now Max was really regretting agreeing.

"Oh yes, your date is waiting for you already." The pretty blond waitress said with a smile. "You have a roof restaurant seat, if you would follow me." 

She led him up the stairs and to the roof. There was a bar on one of the sides and a giant fountain in the middle, tables littered the top in an orderly fashion.

The waitress gestures towards a table at the end, Max saw a man sitting there.

"Hi it's nic- Daniel." Max gasped, looking at his former teammate who was sitting in the seat that his date was supposed to be in. "What are you doing here?"

"Max?" Daniel questioned, looking up at Max in shock. "I'm here for a date, he should be here soon. Lando set us up."

"Lando? this has to be some cruel joke." Max said angrily.

"What do you mean?" Daniel asked puzzled "why are you here?"

"Same reason you are, Lando set me up a date." Max rolled his eyes, thinking about all the ways to punish the young Brit he could do when he got home.

"Oh.." Daniel sighed then burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Max asked, looking at his friend. "What's funny?"

"Just that Lando set us up and we didn't suspect anything would happen." Daniel laughed.

"Yeah.. I guess we were pretty stupid." Max chuckled slightly.

"Well... now what." Daniel asked, adjusting his suit nervously.

"What do you mean?" Max questioned.

"Should we stay here and eat, it's a nice restaurant." Daniel said, glancing up at Max.

"We should stay, they have great food and it would be a shame to leave it all to waste." Max laughed slightly. "And we're friends, so it can be a friendly date."

"Ok cool.." Daniel smiled, taking a sip of his wine.

The two boys stayed there for hours talking, their empty plates lay forgotten and table around them were emptying.

"Sorry sir's but the restaurant is closed now, you have to leave." A waiter came up to Daniel and Max, looking slightly annoyed.

"Ok very sorry," Max said trying to hide a smile, since the waiter already looked pissed. "I already paid, so we'll be going now."

The waiter nodded, giving a glare at the boys who hurriedly packed up their stuff.

"I just called a cab, it'll be here in a minute." Daniel said after they left the restaurant "I had a fun time, thanks for staying." Daniel said.

"Yeah me too. Although we should not tell Lando we did and give him the satisfaction." Max laughed as the cab pulled up along the side of the road.

"Of course..." Daniel said then paused and turned around. "Hey would you want to do this again sometime?"

Max stopped and looked at him. " dinner... just the two of us, on a date?" Daniel looked down and nodded. "Yes, yes I think I would like that very much."
Sorry that was kinda short, I had no idea how to end it. Also I guess it's not super romantic, but dates kinda are? Haha

How is this book already almost at 5k reads that's crazy ahhh! Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading. Sorry again for being away forever.

💛- C

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