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once upon a dusk

a wolf wandering a quite place saw his elongated shadow by the sun

looking at the enlarged shadow, the wolf exclaimed

"look how big i am! why have i been afraid of a lion when I'm such a huge beast..?"

so, the wolf went to go after the lion and the lion struck it down.

being devoured by the lion, the wolf said

"my conceit and delusion drew ruin upon myself!"

"what rituals?"

"the gods claim her to be the sacrificial child. She is to be sacrificed once she comes of age, for the prosperity of the tribe."

"what gods? What sacrifice? Do you realise what you even speak?"

"the child isn't a filth. The gods will show us their wrath if she dies soon. But she will be devoted and offered to the gods when she ripes, I was bestowed a vision not long ago."

Thalia just stared at Caerus. The old man couldn't even lie! Even the lie felt blatant to Thalia. Ersa and Thalia shared a look and then she knew, no one believed him. Not even akin yet he played along. She, for the love of her life couldn't understand what he was scheming

But the better part of her mind made her shut her advancements. Norah wasn't going to be buried alive nor drowned in the river. She got a chance to survive, that's all mattered to Thalia.

"let Caerus take Norah. I won't be leaving Thalia, she needs me." Esra trod towards cereus carrying the child, her words weren't a suggestion it was a command. What happened next made everyone's breath hitch for a trice.

Akin sauntered to Esra in two paces and harshly gripped her hair, making her looking at him. Esra was taken by surprise at his action. She winced when he slowly muttered "priest or not, former leader or not. You don't make rules, you don't command me."

"my mistake." Her voice almost faint. Akin abrasively shoved her out. He barked Caerus to move out his house.

Thalia was left alone with her doom; she couldn't figure out his intentions. Suddenly she wished for the midwives to come back. she didn't want to be confined in such a place.

He gracefully ambled towards the bed post. He pinched his fingers on the flaming candles and extinguished them. He reached for the candle beside her, Thalia could begin to see the variations of the light, the dim roomed was dimming till the only candle remained was at the end of the room. It became almost as dark as the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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