Zero steals Vibranium

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(King Pandon began attacking the city of Wakanda as many Wakandans ran for their lives. The Dora Milage are escorting bystanders to safety while the Wakandan military fights King Pandon with tanks)

(Later in the Vibranium mines, a sound is heard as two Terradrons are projecting laser beams at the wall)

Zero: Yes.

(Zero telekinetically lifts a large chunk of Vibranium from the wall)

Zero: Ah, Vibranium, the strongest metal in the universe and it's hard to believe these humans manage to use this rare element to create such advance technology.

(Meanwhile, King Pandon is firing streams of flames in the air while Black Panther is currently in his jet, firing lasers at the two-headed creature)

Black Panther: Shuri, I'm gonna lured this creature out of the city.

Shuri: Everyone's been evacuated and you better stay alive brother.

(Black Panther flies off into the jungle while King Pandon follows him)

Black Panther: There's no telling where this creature came from and why did it appear in Wakanda. I must call the Avengers for...

(Black Panther saw two Terradrons are flying, using their tentacles to carry a large chunk of Vibranium while Zero is standing on it)

Black Panther: (eyes widen) The Vibranium! No!

Zero: Ah, nothing beats the day with some shopping, especially when it's free.

(Zero laughs as he opens a portal back to the Solar Dimension as it closes. In the meantime, King Pandon stops attacking the city and burrows underground)

(Meanwhile at the training room, Max looks nervous as he's going to train against Black Widow while Vera, Captain America, Hawkeye, Megan, Dennis and Andrew are watching)

Max: Oh please, why did I agree to this?

Hawkeye: What's wrong, the famous Monster Kid afraid of Black Widow?

Max: No... it's just that... it's just that...

Andrew: You're nervous.

Max: No, I'm not!

(Megan, Dennis and Andrew pull out their phones, much to Max's chargin)

Max: Really?

(Max sighs as he gets himself ready to go against Black Widow, who gets herself prepared)

Black Widow: You might wanna be careful, I might not go easy on you. Don't show any mercy.

Max: Fine with me.

(Max charges at Black Widow, who leaps over him)

Max: Huh?

Black Widow: Super Spy, remember?

(Black Widow launches some kicks at Max, but he uses his superhuman reflexes to dodge them as he camouflages)

Black Widow: Where did he...

(Max reappears and locks Black Widow in a bearhug)

Max: I got you!

(Black Widow turns to Max with a smirk on her face)

Black Widow: Really? Cause it seems I placed a tracking device on your back.

Max: What?

(Max lets go of Black Widow and began touching his back)

Max: Wait...there's no...

(Black Widow turns around, ducks down, swings her leg to make Max tripped on the floor and pins him down)

Max: Aww man, at least no one is recording th...

(Max saw Andrew, Dennis and Megan as well as Hawkeye are holding their phones, recording)

Dennis: Yeah, it's not like anyone is recording this on live stream.

Max: What?

(Falcon enters the training room)

Falcon: Guys, we have an emergency from Wakanda.

Captain America: Looks like we'll have to cut this training short, Avengers Assemble!

(Captain America, Hawkeye, Falcon, Black Widow and Vera went into the conference room while Max, Dennis, Andrew and Megan head for the elevator)

Max: I wish I could join the Avengers one day.

Dennis: Yeah, me too.

Andrew: Since the both of us were affected by that blue mist.

Dennis: I got super speed and Andrew has powers that can manipulate the entire universe.

(The four siblings get into the elevator)

Megan: I'm surprised the school district has decide to keep you two in school after you revealed your powers while stopping those criminals.

Andrew: As long as we don't use our powers on school grounds or for our personal games.

(The elevator doors close)

(In the conference room, the Avengers are speaking to Black Panther, who shows footage of Zero stealing the Vibranium)

Black Panther: The attack on Wakanda was to distract us and this being has stolen a chunk of Vibranium from the mines. Luckily, nobody was hurt.

Thor: This creature you speak of, I've heard of him.

Captain America: You know his name?

Thor: He is Zero, the Dark Titan of the Universe.

Iron Man: What's so bad about him?

Thor: Zero is a creature not from our universe, he comes from the Solar Dimension. His main goal is to conquer the universe by invading and terraforming entire worlds to his own liking with an army of monsters to serve him. Zero once invade Midgard, but he and his Solar Monsters was defeated by the combine strength of humans, Asgardians and the Blight.

(The Avengers are surprised)

Falcon: Wow, this Zero is like the worst villain ever. I wonder why he needs that Vibranium?

Black Panther: Whatever the reason is, it can't be good.

(Meanwhile in the Solar Dimension, the Terradrons place the chunk of Vibranium into a pod as Zero projects energy bolts from one of his hooks at the Vibranium as the beams get absorbed by the Vibranium, causing it morph into some kind of armor, resembling himself)

Zero: Yes.

(Note: Dennis and Andrew are both   Inhumans in this story)

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