Yeah right! And I'm the queen of England!

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  • Dedicated to MiniNinga

I was once asked, after watching a bizarre horror movie with my friends at a sleepover, what would I do if a serial killer snuck into my room and tried to kill me?

My typical answer was that I’ll scream like hell and throw my books at him

But I told you before that the book I’m currently reading was an e-book so I can’t possibly throw my tablet at him because, mind you, I actually like my tablet and I’d rather have it working.

I know, I need to sort out my priorities

There was only one other option

I grabbed the pillow beside me and threw it at the intruder

He had no problem catching it mid-air as he approached me; his form was like a human-sized shadow due to the absence of light

Okay cut!

I’m sorry for stopping the story but just bare with me for a second here, will you? Thanks

Now if you want to really get into the spooky mood you should get a flashlight or your phone, close the lights and read using the dim light of either device but if you’re reading this as an e-book then only closing the lights would do. Back to the story

The scream was about to escape my throat if it was not for his hand covering my mouth


My eyes widened with fear as I felt his warm hands on my lips. My tablet chose that moment to come back to life to warn me that the battery is low but thanks to the screen’s light I managed to see the face of the intruder

No it wasn’t Peter Pan.

I wanted to yell, ask him what on Earth was he doing in my room in the middle of the night or more precisely: How on Earth did he even know where I live?!

Then realization hit me

What if Pete from Starbucks was actually a serial killer and talking to him targeted me?!

“If I take my hand of your mouth do you promise not to scream?” He looked at me worriedly, afraid he’d be discovered, before the light of the tablet went off

I was afraid of what he’d do if I didn’t agree with his terms so I nodded

“Was that a nod? I can’t see you properly”

I clumsily reached out for the tablet and clicked on one of the buttons to light it then nodded again because if I spoke only muffed sounds would escape my throat

He slowly took his hand off my mouth and sighed in relief before smiling at me which only worried me more 

“Hey” He continued smiling as his hand that was previously covering my mouth waved in the air

“What do you want from me?” I wasn’t about to greet him as if we were some kind of old friends meeting after years of staying apart

He sighed as if I asked him one of the hardest tasks ever

He sat at the end of my bed but just to be sure I moved a little bit further from him until I had nowhere to go

He sighed once again and started talking

“You see, I never actually introduced myself properly. My name is Peter Pan”

Okay, switch the lights back on

“Yeah right, and I’m the queen of England! Will you give it a break, people? This isn’t funny”

That wasn’t the first time some idiot thought it would be funny to sneak up on the fairy tale character girl and tell her he’s Peter Pan. It happened before.

My hand reached out to switch on the lamp on my nightstand and I could now see him clearer in his green V-neck T-shirt and brown pants but this time I noticed the backpack that was at the foot of the bed

“Wait, we have a queen?” He raised an eyebrow as he looked at me with curiously plastered on his facial expression

In return, I raised my eyebrow at him. I don’t know about you but talking about the queen with the boy who snuck into my room and declared himself as Peter Pan doesn’t seem fit right now

“Are you joking? You’re seriously asking whether or not we have a queen right now? Does this seem like the right time and place to ask such question?”

“Yeah, you’re right” He shook his head as if dismissing the thought “Anyway, pack what you need. We’re heading off to Neverland in a few minutes”

The reaction to this demand differs from one person to another. You might have gasped; others might have rolled their eyes or even throw in a “Seriously?” with a disbelieving look. Maybe a small sum of you wouldn’t wait another heartbeat and hit him over the head then call the police

Can you guess what I did?

I laughed

A/N: So sorry it took me so long to update but with life going on, it took my writer’s block a few tries to get broken and when I had just a ting of inspiration I was a thousand miles away from my laptop. I’ll try writing on my phone from now on. I swear I think about you people every day and I never forget that out there, there is a small but still existing sum of readers who wait for me to update

You want proof that I really think about you guys?

Well, here it is

This chapter is actually dedicated to my friend, we’ll just call her mini ninja, who is also one of my readers and she’s always close to me since we ride the same bus, go to the same school and we’re together in scouts so she always has the chance to ask me when I’m updating again and tries to help with the writer’s block so yeah…that’s enough proof.

I might not update for a while but I swear I try.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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