Auurthor not - guyzzzzzzzz!!!! I have 100 abov redz?!?!? O.em.jaayyyyyyyyyyy but guyz u have 2 vote becuz I no wunt 2 cut me writs jast 4 dis. Plzz halp me be a gud riter.
--Jesie walked in DA skewl kewl confident AF becuz her va jay jay wasn't tight anymore.
Jamez n hur did DA frickle frackle like 68202 timez n it be bae aal time.
Becuz its OK if DA guy who do it iz hawt
So boobsically they be baefriend and gaefriend nowww o.em.jaayy how hawt is that.
Mr scince sir came 2 her wen she waz busy imaginin jamez's hoohaa n said 'r u don wid Da prajeckt I gave u wid jamez?'
Ooooo shiiiitttzlllee prizzleee!!! They were so buzy in DA frickle crackle they fairgaat (dont mind me bad speling guyz) 2 do DA praajeckt!!_
'No not till now since yesterday no Saar!!! But I parmis that we be givin u as soon as i be jamez officiall gaefried.'
Af8er that she walk up 2 James n say 'hay babezzz' jamez be with his frands so he say, 'who in the fokkity fokkery foksaay r u?'
Jessi real eyes's n she Go 2 the weshroom n cray cry.
That patittic ass whole had used her.
He be not bae as while a gaurl vomits on Da bathrum floor she fellz there on da vomit n cryz.
She was indid suffrin.
Sed chuptrooo rytt?????! Hahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahaimamaniachahahahhaa
Bye lovely poo made onions with vomit syrupsss!
Plz votez because just like that
Badboi likes da nerd O.em.Jayyy dats totes kewl [A Parody Story]
Aléatoirejessi was so totes into books and she looked like shit with big blue eyes and brown hair. and wen one sunny day in winter DA bad boy of school saw her and went like haha let's bully DA shit outta her but now like she has to do a bio project wid him...