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"So, what's your plans after this, Jennie?"

"Plan on what, Dad?"

The Parks and Kims are currently in their family dinner, both fathers at every end of the table, Jamie in between their mothers, and Alice by their side. Chaeyoung glanced at her side to see Jennie already looking at her,smiling, and squeezed her hand that was intertwined with hers under the table.

"You and your family"

"I... I pretty much have plans on my mind already but I need to talk it out with Chaeyoung first, I mean, we just got back together and we need to settle Jamie's papers first too"

"Don't worry about the papers. I'll follow it up, the important thing is that it was already signed by the both of you" Alice joined the conversation "I'm sorry to talk about this but..." she glanced around the room "...the D papers of you two" she emphasized the letter for the whole family to understand. Well, maybe except for Jamie that is very busy with her desert.

"Yeah, I asked you to go through that" Mason recalled

"I looked through it this morning and read that It was anonymously filed and never had a follow up appointment on that" Alice glanced at the CEO "so I guess It was a good call to keep your name private but why it wasn't push through? Was it approved already?"

Jennie and Rosie paused for a while, waiting for each other to answer the question but it seems like the young lawyer is only looking at the brunette. So they faced each other confused on why they fell into silence

"Why are you looking at me?" Jennie asked the blonde

"because she is asking you?"

"Me? Why me? I didn't file any divorce papers, It was you who sent me" the CEO clarified

"What?!" Rosie replied, astounded "I didn't file it either, I was busy being pregnant that time,as you may know. I recieved unsigned papers as well"

"Oh..." the only reaction that came out from both parents

"What's happening?" Jamie confusedly ask her family

"Nothing,Jamie. They're just having an adult talk" Jane answered her grandaughter

"Oh okay..." as she went back on her food

"So it two are still probably binded by papers and there were no D-word that happened" Claire concluded

"I only recieved the papers without your sign on it. Nothing more. I thought you guys had it your way to get through it without going through hearings" Jennie explained

"Technically, we can not do that." Alice replied

"Well, I don't mind though" as Jennie resumed finishing her food "saves us another wedding to pay"

"Straight-to-the point, I see" Mason laughed at her daughter's wife

The dinner went through, all of them were engaged in conversation especially the older ones that are talking about the latest gossip in business. Except for one though. Chaeyoung joins the conversation here and there but still, her head's above the cloud with all the information she grasped that day. First, on what happened to Jennie and now knowing that they are still married. Of all those years she thought she's a young-divorced-woman. So she focused her attention on Jamie that's infront of her and subtly fades away from the conversation. She badly need to think of everything right now. All of it were starting to makes sense and fall into places so fast that her fears were running back again.

Her wife must've noticed it and held her hand. "You okay?" as the rest of the family continue with their conversation

"Yeah I am" she smiled "just a little bit overwhelmed"

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