Chapter Two: Talks

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He crossed his legs and motioned her to sit in front of him. When she did, after getting over her initial hesitation of sitting so close to him for the first time, he gave her a beautiful rose.

"For you."

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"Thank you. But how do you know I love roses?", she said flushing.

"Well, they are my favourite as well. So just a coincidence I guess.", he said chuckling making her chuckle too.

After sobering up, he held her hands in his and said," I know you must be very confused about my sudden disappearance since last night. I am really sorry for this. But I do have a reason for this."

Taking a deep breathe he began,

"I was on my way to our room when I received an urgent call from Aman, my P.A. He told me that our warehouse, where we kept our dresses, had caught fire."

Khushi gasped.

"Don't worry. Everything is under control now. It was an accident. Actually AR organises this Annual Fashion Show every year but this year we are targeting US markets. I, Akash and Mamaji have worked really hard for this show for about four months now. I couldn't stay at home being the CEO of AR whilst my employees battled this accident. Thankfully our dresses for the show were delivered to AR for final fittings yesterday itself. Three of our employees were injured and I was in the City Hospital since morning. When I came home around 3pm, Di told me about this Pag- something ritual. So I left to your house ASAP. And you know the rest."

Khushi did not know how to react. She felt this heaviness in her heart easing away on listening to his reason. So he wasn't running away from their marriage? And he was sitting here talking away as if he had not been through a sleepless night?

"You did what was right. I am really proud of you for being such a responsible man."

Arnav smiled. Seeing her fidgeting with her fingers, he realised she wanted to talk about something but was nervous.

Taking her hands in his large palms, he said, "You wanna talk about something? Don't ever hesitate to talk to me about anything."

"Haan (Yes). But are you sure you aren't tired?"

"I am not that tired that I can't talk to my wife.", pat came his reply.

"I want to talk about our marriage.", she hesitated.

"Then talk. I'm all ears.", he said huskily.

"Umm.. Did you have any expectations from your wife?"

"To be honest with you, I never gave much thought to this marriage business. All that I want my wife to do is trust me and maybe love me someday.", he said looking straight in her hazel eyes.

"Err... We can hopefully do something about the love part in the future. But regarding the trust part, there's something you must know."

On seeing her so serious, he squeezed her palms showing his silent support and giving her the time to gather her thoughts.

"You must be knowing that Amma and Babuji are not my biological parents."

On seeing him nod, she continued ,"They adopted me when I was 15. My mother committed suicide ; when she found out that my father was cheating on her with his P.A."

Thank You for al the love 💖

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