chapter 3

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Daddy Issues, The Neighbourhood

Astoria arrived in the Slytherin common room and all eyes turned towards here. 'What?' she asked looking at everyone. 'You were caught with Gryfindoors, you're a slytherin now. Hanging out with them will batter your ego. So I wouldn't. Now you have to choose them or us... quick helping hand if you DON'T choose us well lets just say your life will become a living hell.' laughed Pansy leaning on Draco's shoulder.

'I can decide for myself who I want to be friends with.' snickered Astoria, she looked Pansy up and down and walked out. A smirk grew on Draco's face. 'Oh savage that one' laughed Draco. Pansy stormed off, bashing into daphne on the way. Draco ran after Astoria. 'I don't need your comfort Malfoy. I am fine.' snapped Astoria.

'That's funny I don't recall me asking.' replied Draco. Astoria turned to face him.

'That bitch Pansy can go and drown in a lake for all I care, so don't think for one second I will ever, ever take orders from her or you.'



'Okay' replied Draco.

'Huh. Well then you can leave me alone.' Astoria turned her back to Draco

'Well where are you going to go then, back to your mudblood friends or on a little feeling-sorry-for-myself walk.'

'Excuse me.' Astoria turned around and inhaled sharply. 'Call her that one more time and I will...'

'You will what? Pull my hair? Oh I am scared.'

'No. I will grab you by the neck, steal your wand, snap it in half and then use a spell of my choice to hurt you...badly.'

Draco gulped, then smiled. 'Yeah right.'

Astoria grabbed Draco by the neck and whacked him into the wall. She leaned in and looked him in the eye. Draco continued to smirk but this time instead of a spark in his eye was a splint of fear.

'Yeah right' Astoria let go of Draco as footsteps approached.

'And what are you doing out' snapped Snape.

'Nothing' replied Draco and Astoria in unison.

'Then i suggest you head back to your common room.' Snape looked at them both then walked off.

'Something you should know Draco. Never mess with a girl and most definitely don't mess with an angry woman. There are two completely different breeds.' Astoria walked off towards the common room. Draco stayed speechless against the wall, he straightened his robes and followed after her.

'What were you up to?' asked Pansy as soon as Astoria walked in.

'Oh urm you know' Astoria looked down. Draco came in, his top button undone from where Astoria had grabbed him. Pansy's eyes widened.

'You bitch. You little slut.' cried Pansy throwing a glass towards Astoria, but this was her plan all along. Astoria grabbed out her wand and cried 'Prior Incantato' the object stopped in mid air and flew backwards. It smashed onto Pansy's shoulder and she cried out in pain. 'Oops' laughed Astoria. 'That looks like it hurt. You know what also hurts calling someone a mudblood.' With one last dirty look Astoria strutted out only to walk right into Snape. 'Miss Jester twice in one day. You should be more careful.' he looked up and saw blood dripping from Pansy's arm. Snape's face fell and he strode towards Pansy. 'And what happened here?' he asked looking around questionably. 'HER.' Pansy pointed a blood covered finger towards Astoria. 'What do you mean by her? What happened?' Pansy continued to point at Astoria. 'I will tell you what happened. Dearest Pansy here decided to call someone a mudblood and then tried to throw a glass at me. In my defence I used a spell to block it but I think I must have got it muddle up because it reversed the spell instead causing the glass to hit Pansy instead of me.' Astoria smiled sweetly at Snape. Pansy lowered her shaking hand and growled fiercely at Astoria. 'You, you little...'

'That's quite enough. Astoria what you did was ridiculous, you used a spell out of lessons and you know the punishment for that.' Pansy smirked. 'However, you used it as a defence. Pansy you should not have thrown that glass. Therefore I will see you both in detention after Pansy has been to see Madam Ponfrey.' Pansy's face fell into a look of disgust. 'That is not fai...'

'Miss Parkinson I suggest you go and see matron now before I change my find.' Snape left with a swoosh of his robe. The rest of Slytherin stared at Astoria and Pansy who were fiercely staring at each other. 'What? shows over.' barked Astoria. Small murmurs gathered across the common room and then the atmosphere went back to normal. 'Quite the piece of entertainment you put on there.' smiled Draco. 'Huh. it's nothing really. It was just Pansy being Pansy. The dramatic centre of attention as always.' Astoria rolled her eyes and plonked herself down onto one of the musty green armchairs right next to the roaring fire. Draco sat on the arm rest. 'What?' asked Astoria looking at Draco. 'You really aren't afraid are you. You get put in the most complicated house in the school. You don't see your friends as much and you have already got yourself a detention. You really don't care, do you?' Astoria smiled then sighed. 'You see Malfoy some of us aren't all pathetic little cowards like you.' Draco continued to smirk. 'Whatever. See you around' he laughed. 'I should certainly hope not.' teased Astoria.

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