Chapter Three: Angels and Sarcasm

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     Erik swiftly pulled into the parking spot and was about to call Khan to tell him he was there when he saw her.

     On the few times Erik went to town, he went, as often as he could, at night, so people wouldn't see him, and so he could avoid them. The few he saw always interested him and mocked him unintentionally with their normality. This was his first trip to town during full daylight hours, and there were people bustling around all over the place. He observed the people with a detached interest... until he saw her.

   He had never seen her before, and viewed it as a crime that he had for so long withheld the indulgence that was her person from himself. She was the embodiment of perfection, and he, as a lover, seeker, and creator of all perfect things, instantly adored her with an intense fascination.

   Had he been normal, he realized with an immense pain and pang of self hatred, he would have been able to approach her and say hello, possibly become friends with the angelic creature. But he was not normal and had to hold her on the same pedestal he held every other person. He had to admire from a far.

   Her hair was a caramel color, a mixture between blonde and brown, though it was frizzy and pulled carelessly back into a low bun. Her eyes were a warm green that glistened like emeralds that were on fire. Her lips were thin but pink and pressed into a frown. The rest of her fave was symmetrical and beautiful, complete with dainty features and graceful curves and arches. Her skin was a bit too pale, in an unhealthy way, for his liking, but then he was a hypocrite. She received more sun in a single five minute walk than he did in an entire day. She was small and lithe, with long legs and an overall slender body. Her curves were almost nonexistent but Erik would never like anything merely for eye pleasing or sexual appeal. She was truly beautiful. But there was a kindness and hidden fear in her face, in those bright eyes that he did not understand.

   She turned abruptly as if she could feel his gold stare burning into her. He froze. He knew she couldn't see him, but felt deep down that something within her was gazing at something within him. His hand drifted to his face, checking to make sure his covering was in place, just in case. Less than a few seconds later she looked away.

   A friendly tapping at his window jolted him from his musings.

    Khan grinned and waved from the other side of the glass.

   Erik waited until the girl was out of sight before getting out of his car. He, under no circumstances, could allow her to see him, even if his revolting face was covered.

   "Hello Erik! How are you?" Khan chuckled happily. How the man always seemed to be in such a good humor, Erik did not know.

    "Hello Khan. I am quite well, thank you. And you appear to be equally healthy."

   "Thank you. Shall we go in?"

    "If we must."

   "We must."

    Erik sighed and followed his companion into the diner.

   He had not wanted to see Khan today, but Khan had threatened to keep calling him and eventually show up at his house unless Erik agreed to meet him. Why Khan wanted to see him, he did not know.

    Between Erik's mask and Khan's bright red and orange tunic, the pair drew attention in the small diner. However, this was a town that attracted many strangers who were just passing through, and after several minutes the place calmed and the masked man and his colorful friend were soon forgotten and mashed into the  background.

     Their waitress acted relaxed and was very warm towards Erik. He knew she saw him as a very handsome man, and loathed it. He amused himself with the thought of showing her what was under the mask and watching her horror. Sadly, he would probably get arrested for disrupting the peace and possibly even undecent exposure. His amusement at the little fantasy remained though, as a malicious, sadistic joke.

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