chapter 9: Dungeon.

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I opened the doors and my mom came running and hugged me tightly. I didn't hug her back.

"Oh thank god my baby is alright."

"Yeah, I'm fine mom." She let me go and looked me over.

"Guards. I would like you to escort Princess Nikki to the dungeon for the rest of the day." Two guards, Luke and Ethan came forward and grabbed Nikki's arms.

"Mom! No!"

"She must learn discipline" Nikki shrugged off their arms. She gave me a look that said told you so and another that said it was okay.

"I can walk on my own thank you." The guards led Nikki out of the room. I watched them.

"Where's dad?" I asked my mom angrily.

"He's in a meeting and can't be disturbed." I breathed heavily through my nose. I nodded my head and left the dining room without another word. I passed Luke and Ethan on the way to the dungeon.

"Where do you think you're going?" Luke asked, grabbing my arm.

"Going to see my future wife and your future queen so if you excuse me." I got my arm out of his grip and continued walking down the stairs to get to the dungeon. Nikki was sitting down against the wall in the cell, taking a nap? She was taking a dam nap. Wow. I quickly went up the staircases to her room. I opened the door and Annabeth was reading on Nikki's bed.

"Hey Prince Will, where's Nikki?" She asked not looking up.

"In the dungeon." I answered.

"Oh okay- Wait what?"She asked putting her book down. She sighed. "What did she do this time?"

"My mom got pissed and sent her to the dungeon for the day. Where's her book?" I asked. Annabeth sighed and shook her head. Annabeth picked up the pillow and handed the book to me.

"Smack her in the back of the head for me will ya?" I laughed and nodded my head.

"Thanks Annabeth." I quickly went back to the dungeon and opened Nikki's cell door. I closed in quietly and went to Nikki. I smacked her in the head with the book.

"What-" She looked up. "What the hell dude?" She yelled.

"I got you your book. You're welcome." I sat next to her handing her the book. She smiled.

"Thanks." She said.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked. Nikki bit her lip.

"Could you stay?" She asked. "If you don't have anything to do that is."

"No I'll stay." I said. She smiled at me.


~Time Skip~

"I went up the stairs they creaked. The thunder boomed. BOOM!" She slammed her book to the ground startling me. "I held my dagger tightly and gripped the door handle. And swung in open. There was a big dirty dark ravenous Dog. The dog came running up to me.'Mrs. O'Leary! What are you doing here?' Turns out my dog somehow got into the room at night and used the floor as a scratching post."

"So you just got me all scared for nothing?"

"Pretty much." She yawned. "I'm tired, I'm going to sleep." Nikki laid her head against the wall. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Death Breath." I waited for her snarky response. But she said nothing. I looked over and Nikki softly snored. I smiled to myself and shook my head. I stood up and quietly opened the cell door. I closed it and went out of the dungeon. I ran up the stairs and went to my room. I grabbed a blanket and one of my books. I quickly ran down the stairway and was about to go back down to the dungeon.

"Will, William! Come back over here right now." Crap. I turned around and saw my mother. "What do you think you're doing?"


"Well whatever you're doing can wait, your father wants you." I shook my head.

"No," I started to turn around but she stopped me.

"What do you mean no?"
"I mean no, I'm giving Nikki this blanket. If dad wants me, he can come to Nikki's cell cause that's where I'll be." I turned around and went down the stairway.

"William! Come back up here now! William!" I didn't listen to her. I was starting to get tired of my mom. I have never really defied my mom before. Guess there's a first time for everything. I opened Nikki's cell door quietly and walked over to her. She was still sleeping silently. I put the blanket on top of her and sat down. I opened my Mythology book. something fell on my shoulder. I looked over and it was Nikki's head. I smiled to myself and continued reading. I was half way through a myth when I yawned. I closed my book. I went under the blanket, careful not to wake her up. I gently put my head on hers and closed my eyes.

Nico's POV.

I opened my eyes. "Wha- where am- what's on my head?" When did a blanket get on me? I looked to my left and saw a body. Did I kill someone? My eyes trailed up the body. It was Will. My eyes widened and I jumped back.

"What?" Will looked at me and rubbed his eyes. "Oh hey Nikki. You have a good nap?" heat went to my face.

"Y-yeah." I heard footsteps coming towards the cell.

"Hey Will, Nikki. It's time for dinner." Percy Jackson, you may be cute, but I swear to god you are going to startle the wrong person one day.

"Thanks Percy, we'll be right up." Will helped me up. He opened the cell door. "After you."I chuckled.

"Why thank you my good sir." He laughed.

~Time Skip~

The tension was high in the dining room. Will was to my left instead of being across from me. Queen Naomi was glaring at me and I glared right back at her. Will put his hand on my shoulder.

"Leave it Nikki." I took a deep breath and looked at my food. I took a bite. It was good. Not as good as Thanatos's but good. (probably not how you spell that)

"So did you learn your lesson?"

"What?" I asked.

"'Did you learn your lesson?" I'm about to snap the woman's neck. "Cause if you didn't I will gladly put you back in the dungeon."

"You did what?" King Apollo asked.

"I put her in the dungeon." She sounded proud of the fact.

"Why would you do that? She's going to be our daughter in law! She's going to be marrying our son!" He yelled.

"So? She needs to learn discipline and to be a lady." If only they knew.

"So far she has seemed to be a fine young lady. She's the only one who hasn't driven Will and I insane!" Will's eyes were wide.

"Oh no." He said. The King and Queen were still arguing.

"Hey, you wanna go to the library and eat there?" I asked. He nodded his head. We grabbed our plates and made a run for it. We sat at a table and Will ran a hand into his hair.

"Can this day get any worse?" A guard came running in.

"Prince Will, Princess Nikki, there's been an attack!"

Boom! New chapter! Are ya'll happy? So Queen Naomi is a big witch who would have thought? Who's attacking the castle? Well that is a question that will be answered next chapter! Thanks for reading stay safe, stay healthy, but most importantly, keep on keepin' odd everybody!


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