Chapter 1

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We talked for a few minutes before the bell rang and everyone flooded in. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the crowd never letting her go. We go to our assigned homeroom and sit together.

The teacher came in. " So, today we have the club social but before they call us in your going to mingle with your classmates".  He then sat on his desk probably doing work for his classes.

I turned to Aphmau and she was talking to the white haired boy next to her. " Oh right, Travis this is Mia, Mia Travis." I smiled at him and waved slightly. " Hello Travis." I said awkwardly we continued to talk. We easily became friends or as Aph called us 'Not alone buddies'. I didn't mind the name. I actually liked it. It was weird and quirky. 

A few minutes pass and the teacher calls us to go to Orientation or what they call it 'The Club Social'.

We walk down to the school GYM and he stops and turns to us. He starts "At the Club Social you guys get to see the school clubs and join them. here you can also meet and mingle with the other Home rooms your age and older."

He then opens the door and we all flood in. It was huge. There were about 18 maybe 19 clubs. Every one in our class separated until it was just me, Aphmau and Travis. We walked around till Travis got hit on the head by a volleyball. I didn't notice I was looking at the Anime club. Not that I was interested.

"Travis!" I heard and spun around. Travis was on the floor passed out." Nice catch dork" said a girl with light blue hair. "  you caught the ball with your face." a small laugh escaped her mouth. Then  girl with red hair and grey eyes. " Leave them Kathlyn they have enough by being freshman" The blue haired girl, Probably Kathlyn then said " Tch, Whatever" and turned to her heel and went to the volleyball club.

'I like this school already' I said in my head as a teacher carries Travis to the nurse. Me an Aph wen to the anime club.

At the end of the day I joined three clubs. I joined anime with Aph, I joined the volleyball club ( Never played in my life) and joined the art club.

After the club social we got our assigned lockers. Me and Aph were assigned next to each other. We went to our last class, which we had together. It was wer101? " wer1o1?" Aph asked. I nodded. I though probably werewolf class. As we got there I nailed it werewolf class. Aph looked shocked. "But were not werewolves." I nodded then said " by father and brother are werewolves. probably dad put me in" she looked at me with a questionable look.

"Half brother" I continued " My biological mother was human" she mouthed on 'Oh' we went tot he back of the class and sat next to each other when a werewolf Grabbed Aph's shoulder and said something to her. I stood up and told him to back off. I then punched him in the face. Aph looked shocked.

Then the guy next to her tripped him and he fell out the window to the hall.

We got landed in detention. Eh better then being home with my brat of a brother.

Class started and we started learning about werewolves and their respected nature.

-Half an hour later-

Class ended and we went tot the detention hall. I sat down and stared off to space. Aph didn't get detention because she didn't take part of the fight. That human boy that helped me came and sat down at the back corner. " hey" I said. He kept quiet. I looked at him and he said " It's not nice to stare at people." I was a bit shocked. " Oh sorry" from what I could tell he looked familiar....


we were playing in the cave like we promised the day before. Melissa and Ein were laughing at a beetle trying to get up. I wasn't very amused but I looked over at Aaron. HIs ears and tail where down. He was....sad?

I walked up to him and sat down." Aaron?" He looked down at me with sad eyes. "are you ok?" I asked. He slowly shook his head. He was five years older and he was taller than me. actually he would be easily mistaken for a high schooler. Melissa was a year older than him. She was mature a lot but always could light the mood with her jokes.

" what's wrong? "I asked promptly. he looked away sad and got up. He went to the mouth of the cave and signalled me to follow. I slowly walked out not being noticed by Ein or Melissa. I saw Aaron next to a tree with his forehead onto it.

I looked at him questionably. I tried to put my hand on his shoulder but to my short height I couldn't. he looked at me and chuckled a little bit due to my struggling. He bent down so he could talk to me. ( yes I'm Aph's height that mean. I. AM . A .SHORT. POTATOE.) I asked again " What's wrong Aaron?" he looked hesitant but then talked. " Will you keep a secret?" I nodded rapidly " With my life" I responded.

He looked at me then at the rabbit that hopped next to us. " Have you heard the tale of the Ultima?" he said quietly. I nodded slowly. I sat down so i could be more comfortable. HIs eyes saddened.

Then it struck me. I whisper yelled "Your the Ultima?" he looked shocked by my quick answer and so he nodded sadly looking at the ground  crying. "Ill keep your secret Aaron. that what friends are for right?"

Flashback end

I looked back at the boy he had his head on the table." Hey, you did the right thing helping aph back there in class" He looked up at me and raised his eyebrow. " yeah sure what ever. Its just not nice to pick on people. Especially freshmen." he said quietly. I looked ahead. The teacher was at his desk asleep..." I'm Aaron by the  way" He said and it startled me. " Mia" I said still staring forwards. I felt someone's eyes on me and looked back at him. He had a shocked face and asked " Mia as in Mia walker?" I nodded with a confused look on my face.

"Mia Its me Aaron" He said. I was shocked.

" Aaron Lycan"

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