History Lessons

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The last bell of the day rings, the calculus students rush to get out of class. Gathering my books together as my mobile beeps in my pocket.

Making sure the teacher won't see, I checked my phone and see I have received one text from Kurt.

I'll meet you out front

The one and only, Kurt :))

I was reading the text, a smile on my lips, as I walked into a strong muscular frame. I looked up to apologize and see Harris.

"Oh." Harris stops, putting both his hands on my forearms as if to steady me.

Coming back to reality, I stumble over my apology, "I'm sorry, I should have been watching where I was going"

"No, it's okay. How's your head?" He asks.

I nod, "Fine. I got to go, so I guess I'll see you round."

"Sure thing. Bye." Harris nods his head and continues into the class to talk to the teacher.

I stumble the next few steps to my locker before I walk to the gate, waiting for Kurt to pull up. As I wait I stare across the road at the forest, my memories from this morning flood my thoughts. I also think of all the lessons Dean taught me about wolves when I first came. The one that comes to mind is the history lesson he ran about the war.

Most wolves are born in camp, but my parents had wanted me to have a chance to experience the human world, so that if our world - the canine world, became too dangerous, then they had the option of sending me into human society, and they would know that I would be able to look after myself.

I was fourteen, and Hannah sixteen, when we first got to visit the forest. At first I thought that what my parents told me was just a big joke, but when they showed me everything, I couldn't fight the facts. I was delighted at the new world, but I was also excited about causing mischief.

When my first trainer, Fiona, who was short, grump and old, with grey hair and big glasses, tried to teach me the history of our pack I refused to listen. I wanted to run, and explore the forest – but she wouldn't let me. Fiona gave up on me, so the council had to find someone else who would volunteer to teach me.

Only Dean did.

I respected that out of all the members in the pack – even my parents, he was the only one to volunteer his time to teach me even though he was only sixteen at the time. So I listened, and discovered that there was so much I didn't know about. Like why our pack was at war with another.

"It all started a couple of decades ago" Dean explained, "The pack was looking for a new leader among the ranks after the current leader died early with no children to inherit the role.

"When the role of ruling was offered to the pack many were eager, but only a few stood out. Charlie Dagorii was one of them, just merely a village boy; Thomas N'oeth was another that stood out. He was one of the higher-ranking families, with important positions in the council.

"Many were against the idea of a mere village boy ruling, but many supported it too. This put the pack under pressure. There was no leader to guide them and make the tough decisions, and it resulted in the pack splitting. Everyone who supported the idea of a village boy ruling on one side and all of the opposing sided against.

"In the end the village boy suggested that they split into two packs. They had the numbers for it, and could end the pressure.

"Angry, Thomas told them to be gone. And they lived in peace... for a while. Thomas, who still wanted power, still does, declared war against Charlie. He only fights to defend himself, and we fight to defend ourselves – otherwise this would've stopped long ago. But it just keeps going unfortunately. "

"It will end one day." I had whispered.

"I sure hope so, Shannon." He replied.

The thoughts of life and how it used to be makes my stomach clench in pain. But I failed Dean and Elva, I failed my parents, I failed all of the N'oethians that fought for a better life.

I failed myself.

And I can never forgive myself for that. Not even when Dean told me it wasn't my fault, I just chose the wrong place at the wrong time. But that didn't stop the N'oeth from banishing me, my parents from trying to hide their pain, and everything I once loved in life to disappear.

"Shannon? Hello? Are you still on earth, girl?" Kurt yells over the roar of the engine as she pulls up on the other side of the road, "I need to go to back to work. Hurry up!"

Kurt holds an envelope with my name scribbled on it in his messy writing.

"The apartment key and address. You'll thank me later."

"Thanks, Kurt." I smile, waving as he drives away.

I walk over to my car, pull open the door, and shove my bag in before me. As soon as I close the door I turn the ignition on, and pull out of my parking spot.

The address is unfamiliar to me, but Kurt has drawn a small map on the back of the envelope, but I trust him enough to follow the map.

I continue along the street, admiring the orange trees.

Autumn is such a beautiful season, where all the leaves are going from rich green to an even richer red. Some of the trees even look like the tops have been caramelized by the sun.

I pull up into the street on the map can see small houses running all along the street.

Kurt must've rented a house.

Reaching the right number, I pull up on the side of the road and take in the house.

The small house is positioned in the middle of a small block of land. Apart from the house and the gravel drive, the land is undisturbed, and filled with wild flowers that range in colours like pale orange, pinks, and rich blues.

Rabbits hop around carelessly in the wildflowers, aware of me standing in front of the house, but choosing to ignore me entirely.

Turning back to the house I can see the white framed windows and doors, and the light blue wall boards that cover the entire bottom half of the front of the house that add a soft edge to the white bricks that surround the rest of the house.

The front door is white, with a rectangular window going down the left side of the door. A strong wooden deck runs along the front of the house, I step up onto it to reach the front door.

I open the envelope and pull out the keys that Kurt got for me. A small tag is attached and on it Kurt has written in permanent parker:

Don't lose these!

I shake my head with a smile on my lips as I unlock the front door. I walk along the small hallway, which is lined with doors that with further investigation I found lead to a study, a master bedroom, and a garage.

Entering a spacious living room, with small blue couches and plasma T.V.

I drop my bag on the couch and gather my homework. I walk back to the front of the house and dump all my homework on the desk in the study before going to find myself a room. I choose on which is along a second hallway after the combined kitchen and living room.

As I walk to my room I slip off my shoes that are covered with dry mud from the journey I took this morning.

When I reach the room I can see the whole west side of the forest. The luscious green leaves and happy, playful young animals, which are always attempting to see who can venture the closest to a strange, human habitat.

I place my shoes in the bottom of my wardrobe, before collapsing on my bed.

I yawn, exhausted by the days adventures. Thoughts of Dean and Elva comfort me as I fall asleep.

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