Chapter 2A Into the forest.

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"So, Isaiah why did you become a chef?"  He stared at her, looking like a soldier who just suffered from PTSD.  "That's something I just don't ever want to remember..."  "However, since the info on my country is very small I will explain."  He looked like he could burst out with tears at any moment.  "My country, it's known for its plants and water being poisonous, so I had decided to learn how to get rid of poison within food and water to help my village exist, so no one would have to suffer..."

He stared at Amber, clearly with some form of fear.  "Chances are, you're just gonna laugh at me like all the students in that academy."  "No, how could I ever laugh at someone doing something so kind?"  He stared at the amber on her dress.  "How did you get that?"  He asked curiously.  "Well, every female within the clan I was born into is named after a gemstone and is given that gemstone to wear, like a way to tell our genders apart when we're young."

Someone threw a knife, attached to a chain at Amber.  Her core had been quick to activate, and Isaiah's?  How could he have a core?  Why didn't he tell me?  That doesn't matter right now... The knife was caught within water, as the person who tried to attack was brought over as more water began to form around her.  The woman was brought over to Amber.  "Noted, cores can seemingly act on their own to their user's will..." She said while pushing up her glasses.   "So, wait was this supposed to be some sort of test?" Amber was quick to ask.  "I'm afraid so, however, it was to help advance the country of Shiro as I am a researcher."  "If you'd like, I could join your journey as long as you give me research on your family history..."  Amber looked at her confused.   "And you'd need that why?"  "So, I can preserve history on the subjects of this country."

Character: Wes Mclintion
Core: None.
Blood Type: A+
Height: 5'8 FT
Weight: 150 LBS
Design: He wears very rugged clothes, almost like one of a cowboy.  He has light blonde hair which is tied up, almost like it's braided.  He uses purple and green rubber bands to tie his hair.
Personality: He seems very stern in nature when in all reality he is very caring for most others.  All though, this doesn't show up that often with most people.  It is commonly noted by others that he has an"odd interest" with Dylan and is much more likely to act out on his more caring nature with him.   He loves to obverse just about anything, if it's stars all the way to humans.  His motto is "I'll do any job, as long as I'm paid or if it gets me closer to my dream."  He can become impatient with ease which most find odd due to his mostly stern nature.

"I think I might have to think on tha-"  "NO!" The woman was quick to object.  "Your decision will be made right here and now, otherwise I'll make sure you die!"

A man was quick to appear, seemingly out of thin air.  "Rin, why can't you just be like your other siblings?"  He asked.  "I am NOT your puppet just to play around with, and have traits forced upon me!"

[Creator's note, the flashback takes place within Yuu's memory]

I felt absolute despair, as that event it, I couldn't help but remember it...

"I'm afraid you're going to do this with her whether you want to or not, Yuu..." A man said with malicious intent.  "But father-"  "Don't but father with me, you're a lower rank making you my puppet!"  The man was quick to whip Yuu, using chains within the cell.  "Hurry up, or die..."

Ever since that day, and multiple incidents outside of that...  I've developed an odd instinct to try to forcefully reproduce with any woman near around.

But, I've still developed a huge trauma due to how forced it was with all the chains, whips or just any weapon...
The only reason he ever gave was for a "better" selection of royals to chose from if I were to fail.

I stared at the man, he seemed like a man who simply said to hell with it, and everyone else on this planet.  It was like he was some sort of puppet, devoid of most emotions but putting on a smile anyhow.

Do I run away?  Do I attack?  Do I just stay and hear him out?  I don't know, I don't know, I don't know!

I was lost in my thoughts, so many decisions which is right?  What if I chose the wrong one?

I had broken out into a panic and a cold sweat.  Everything felt so dark, it was like darkness and my thoughts were the only things that existed.  Is this what death feels like?

"That's right... Amber, give in to your fear  and allow true power to awaken!"

As the beast said that, suddenly everything was flooded!  As the core was floating above me, with a purple outline...  As it went back to normal as fast as it happened.  The flood was over, and the core had disappeared.

Oddly enough, I saw a man stand in front of me.  His black skin, contrasting with the bright sun and his dreadlocks flowing in the air.  "You're lucky I was here Amber."  He said, slightly annoyed.  "Huh?  What do you mean by that Arron?"  He had an angry grin.  "Seriously?  Do I need to explain something so simple?  Aight then.  Basically, I removed his memory of your attack.  Ya see us representing the 7 virtues and sins have special cores, god cores.  I represent kindness, and my core involves memory.  It's the way the tournament is being transmitted."

He still had that grin.  "In return for this act of kindness, you must head to Yami's central country, there is something odd which I've noticed going on there."  I stared at him.  "So, what is going on there?"  He seemed to become angrier.  "Ugh, listen not enough info to tell ya.  Also, I have to follow you and Lex around everywhere.  It's what I've been assigned to."

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