Part one

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Fallacy POV

I was walking around my castle as I looked at the painting on the wall as I was walking I seen my son jasper talking to the maiden name suave.

As I asked what the two was doing jasper told me what they where doing  I just chuckled and told them don't let the maid's see use two when you prank them.

I left to do some paperwork and I noticed that daylight and midnight was coming here today to see the new maiden's I was happy to know that this will be a long day.

Encre POV

I was painting in the woods away from the village's they didn't like me at all the only skeleton that is my friend is Azul she was with me while I was painting Azul had a bunny rabbit in her arm's I smiled as I turned the painting around and she loved it.

As I let the painting dry up Azul asked me something about vampire's I smiled and told her that my family was killed by the mortal king for saving the vampire's as I told her this Azul hugged me saying that she will always be my close and best friend.

While I was walking around I seen a small bat it was in a trap I had to help the small thing i couldn't just let him or her burn to death as I got out my knife I broke the trap.

Hey hey it's alright I won't hurt you I promise as I open the trap door the poor little bat broke his wing I called for Azul and she walked up and noticed the bat she smiled and started to healing the bat.

Alright you just need to stay off that wing off you're's and your wing will be good as new the little bat smiled and nodded as I heard a hiss me and Azul both looked up and seen two more bat's.

That's when Azul whispered to me saying they vampire's I looked down at the small bat and smiled as I told the other two that I will not harm the one who is hurt.

They just watched me and Azul I giggled and went into the house and got a blanket for the little guy as I put him on the bed I opened the window as the other two bats fly in to make sure he was doing okay I went and got some food for them.

Midnight POV

While I was laying on the bed I told my sister and ash and murder to go to fallacy and tell what had happened and that I'm alright my sister and murder left to tell fallacy what had happened while ash stayed with me.

I sigh as the girl came back and had some food I noticed that she cut her hand and put some off her blood into the food she told me to drink it so I did I tasted the blood and the only thing was that her blood taste like a Spark's.

Once I was done eating I felt more healthier as I looked up to her the other girl was there and she was drawing as well.

Ash went to her as the girl smiled at him I was confused on what they where doing until the one who saved me put the dry up painting in the kitchen I was amazed that they where artists living in the woods.

I felt tired so I rested for the time being.

Ash pOV

While I was watching the girl drawing I noticed that she was drawing me with her I blushed as she just giggled I wanted to say something but I was to shy to say anything I noticed that midnight was asleep after awhile I heard the girl name being called out


I was a blushing mess her name was pretty as she put down her stuff she told me to hide and she put midnight under the bed with me I was a little shocked that she was helping us.

As Azul went down I heard Ethan talking to Azul asking her to rejoin the Royal guards I only heard Azul saying No and then I heard a scream it was not Azul voice it was the other girl's that screamed in pain I fly out off the bedroom and somewhere else so Ethan could not see me.

What I seen was Azul friend hurt as Azul held her friend as she was crying that's when Ethan was about to grab Azul I was about to fight her but then Azul friend grab Ethan and stabbed her in the side Ethan ran out and back to the village's.

While I was watching them Azul said her name Encre Spark's I was shocked to know that the princess off Spark's is alive I felt like I was in a dream so I fly back under the bed and fell asleep.

This can't be real we seen our best friend's die as they saved us and our people.

Fallacy POV

Daylight and murder told me what happened I yelled for my guardsmen to follow me as I told daylight and murder to stay here I didn't let them finished as I fly out the door with the guardsmen and went to where the house was into the woods.

As I got there I noticed that ash was with a girl sitting on her lap I couldn't see midnight I fly to the other window and noticed midnight on the bed I fly into the room with my guard's as he looked happy to see me.

That's when I heard a girl and we hide into the dark as she walked in midnight was nuzzling into her what the heck.

I noticed that the girl had a knife and I turned into my true form as I hissed at her I grab her arm and was in raged how dare she try and hurt midnight.

But that's when midnight turned and said stand down!

So I did I was still hissing at the girl as midnight told me everything but I still didn't trust the two off them.

Ash told there name's the one that is painting is Azul she friends with Encre Spark's I laughed at the two saying that they are dead know one could off several that fall.

While I told the guards to go back to the castle they nodded and left I just stayed and waited for midnight to get better.

But I also keep my eye's on Azul and her friend Encre I know in my heart that the Spark's family is dead and know one could off lived after the big fall and the claps off the Spark's castle.

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