Chapter 6 - Johena the Dolphin

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A/N And he is out of the pit! I'm wondering if anybody caught what I did last chapter with Percy, there's three things in particular and I'd love to see your theories and if you guys noticed at all hehe. They will be addressed in later chapters, for the most part but without further ado, let's get back into the story.

I do not own any PJO or DC Characters, Rick Riordan and DC Comics does
Chapter 6

Unknown Location

Percy looked around, realizing his mistake. He forgot his pets! He shook his head before walking over to the shadows of a building. He had no idea what city he was in, he'd figure that out later. He put his hand on the shadow and willed some of his aura to seep through.

He learnt this when Mrs. O'Leary came to Tartarus for him, it was quite awesome at first, before he scolded his dog for jumping into Tartarus without thinking first. Still, he appreciated her company, and her apparent new found power for changing size. Definitely useful.

As he continued letting his aura slip through his fingertips, he felt the familiar presenceof his hellhound. Grinning, he stood up and backed away, just in time to see his dog, with his cat on her back,pop through the shadows. He knelt down and starting petting them both.

"Good girl, 'Small Bob, nice to see you doing what you do best. Sleeping." Percy through back his head and laughed, before looking around to see where he was. He stood up to get a better feeling for his bearings, and noticed the Washington Monument.
'Hmm, guess I'm in DC. Well whatever, I need food.'

He looked around for a good burger joint before finding a place called Big Bellied Burger. He could smell the burgers from here and grinned. He looked at his two pets and sighed. He knew he couldn't take them in there with him, so he nodded to his dog who barked, went up to lick him, then disappeared back into the shadows. They would both appear when he called for them, so he wasn't too worried.

As we walked towards the fast food restaurant, he had another realization, he had no money. He searched his pockets but he knew it to be in vain. He sighed, before smacking himself on the head. 'Percy, you are one stupid guy, you know that?' He thought to himself before he snapped his fingers and a credit card appeared in his hands.

Grinning, he walked in and ordered three burgers and two large Cokes. He ate in silence, enjoying every night of this godly food called a Double Bacon Cheese Burger, add pickles. After finishing his food in silence with a smile on his face, he contemplated what to do next.

He decided he would find a store and get new clothes before finding a hotel so he could shower and sleep in a bed for once. He'd been wearing the same clothes for along while now...

He shook himself out of his thoughts and stood up, throwing out his trash and walking out the door. He started walking, looking for a store before a thought hit him.

'Wait a minute, I just fought the Devil? The actual devil? Is that even allowed?' He looked down at his hands before grinning like an idiot. 'I punched the Devil in the face, Ha, take that you fallen angel!' He had to make sure he didn't laugh out loud, he didn't want mortals to think he was crazy. He shrugged to himself and kept walking.

An hour and a half later, he had a pair of new clothes and shoes, and was in a new hotel room. Nothing fancy, just a bed with a bathroom and shower. But that's all Percy needed. He stripped and go into the shower, enjoying the nice cold water for the first time in what felt like forever. After standing under the water with a blank mind for some time, he finally turned off the water and willed himself dry. He put on his new clothes, which was a pair of jeans, a blue T-shirt, and his newly acquired black converse. He finished the look off with his brown fur coat made of the hide of the Nemean Lion. He didn't necessarily need it anymore, but it helped him out for so long before he finally accepted who he was, and before he accidentally fell in that stupid river on accident. Stupid Styx water.

Oceans Wrath (A Percy Jackson/Young Justice crossover) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now