Chapter 20 - Closure and The Stranger

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Chapter 20 - Closure and The Stranger

Mt. Olympus

Apollo looked around the room and gulped. "Um, where exactly do you want me to start, Father?"

"At the beginning, obviously."

"Oh. Yeah, that's probably smart. Well, do you remember the day me and my sister became Olympians?"

"How could I not? You were annoying as ever, and you thought you were the hottest God on Olympus."

"I've always been the hottest God in Olympus though."

"Apollo," Zeus warned."

"Right, right. Sorry about that." The God of the sun sheepishly scratched his head. "Well, after the Fates gave me my domains, that night they pulled me aside and told me something. Because of having so many different domains, they kind of came with a curse. I'll see every other version of myself in every other Reality. At the time, I didn't think if it as a curse, but more like a cool side effect."

"Does that mean it's a curse now?" Percy asked from the podium.

"Now? No, I learned how to control it and only view other versions of myself whenever I feel one of them threatened."

"Wait, so that means you felt the Wars, right? The Second Titanomachy and Gigantomachy?"

Apollo nodded, "Yeah, I felt them alright. Ever since your Zeus called a meeting to inform your Olympians about Kronos waking, I've been keeping tabs on your world. I saw the exploits of your battle with Kronos, and your battle with Gaia. I also saw you become a God, and start your revenge tour against everyone who worked with Gaia. The Olympians of your world have been in a frenzy for the past eight years looking for you, and your Father has been worried sick."

"Well shit, now I almost feel bad. Is there any way you can send a message to them?"

"Well, actually. At this moment in time there's a meeting on your Olympus where the me over there is currently projecting his thoughts and showing this exact conversation."

Percy frowned a little at that, before he came up with an idea. "Apollo, can you do the same?"

"Well, yeah I can. Why?"

"Because, if you do that I'll be able to talk to them, right?"

"Oh! Actually, yeah! One second." Apollo flashed to his chair and projected his thoughts. A few seconds later, a small projection from the gods head showed up, showing the Olympians of Percy's old world.
Percy felt a twinge of sadness that he couldn't be there right now, but he was going to make the most of this brief time they had together.

"Father," he managed to croak out.

"Percy, my Son. It's been too long, we all thought you died! We sent out Artemis and Apollo every day for 3 years to look for you and not a single trace!"

"I was still in the Pit, settling old scores. You know, the usual."

"I'm just glad you're okay, Percy."

"How's Mom?"

Poseidon frowned a little before he smiled big. "Why don't you ask her yourself?" The God of the Seas flashed out, and two seconds later flashed back with a very pissed off looking Sally, Paul, and Estelle.

"Poseidon, Gods help me what the actual Hades was that for?!"

Both versions of Zeus chuckled before Sally looked behind her and nearly fainted. She hesitantly walked forward, her hand outstretched trying to grab the holographic Percy's hand. "Percy? Percy is that you?"

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