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The room was full of people; all paralyzed. Not in fear, but because the very creator of this damn game inflicted this paralysis on every player except for one. If this were in real life, there would be blood all on the floor. That damn boss fight killed so many. And now, in the middle of the boss room stood two. Kirito and Kayaba. They were in a duel that would decide the fate of the players in the game. I knew he could win, but Kirito had an equal chance of loosing.
Kayaba started slowly overtaking Kirito, but no one could do anything about it. My paralysis was wearing off. Most likely faster than the others considering I had extremely high poison resistance. I noticed in my field of view, that Asuna, a high ranking player, was able to move, and started running to save Kirito, as he was about to die.
I knew how much Asuna meant to Kirito. I wasn't anybody special, but in that moment, my paralysis lifted, and I could do something.
My life has never been the best, and this damn game never helped that. But I have a chance. I can make my life worth something. And so I will.
I got up and ran as fast as I could towards Kirito, and before Asuna could do anything, I jumped and pushed her out of the way, and took the hit.
I fell, and I could see that my health was draining fast. I looked over to the other players. Then I looked at Kirito, and just smiled. My health ran out.
Instantly there was a screen that said you are dead on it. It lasted for about 3 seconds. Then I was plunged into darkness. I thought that was it. But it wasn't. The pure black that engulfed me started to swirl. Flashing lights and a feeling of falling. It seemed as if time just kept up speeding up. Colors flashed and mixed, colors I've never seen before. Colors I can't explain. It just went on and on and on and on. Then it stoped. I felt like I was on the ground. I shouldn't be though. I'm dead, so how am I on the ground. I felt around a bit, and the ground was made of asphalt and snow. I was able to open my eyes but was loosing consciousness. Rapidly blinking and blurry vision.
I was able to make out that I was in an alleyway. But my consciousness started to fade. The silhouette of a person was made out of my vision. And all I remember hearing was a feminine voice that said in a singsong tone, "who are you~".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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