Chapter 7

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"Juliette! Salut!"

Early the next morning I let Juliette in and immediately hand her a cup of coffee.

"How are you feeling?" she asks.

"Well, I'm on my second cup of coffee and I've taken some Advil, so..." I answer with a laugh. "But I'll be fine, how are you? I'm excited for our trip to Mont Saint-Michel today! I know we have to get going but I want to show you real quick what I've been working on."

"Yes of course," she answers, "We have time."

Leading her upstairs to the spare bedroom I've turned into a studio, I say nonchalantly, "It's too bad Philippe couldn't join us, but it'll be a fun girls trip." The truth is I'm dying to hear how the rest of Friday night went, and today will allow me to get to the whole story of Juliette and Philipp's past.

Juliette agrees and then upon entering the room, exclaims when she sees my paintings, "Oh Lara, très magnifique!" 

I set my coffee down and move to the easel to lift the protective covering and reveal the current one I'm working on. I painted the view from my front yard, the lush greenery in the forefront, the ocean in the background. I can't help but smile to myself at the realization that I called it "my" front yard.

"What do you think of this one?" I ask tentatively, as it's my favorite so far.

Juliette clasps her hands together in delight. "Ah yes, this I love!" She moves closer to peer at the details. "The water - it is moving no? The vibrant...très réaliste."

"It's my favorite view from this house, and I'm glad you think I've captured it so well. I do feel like it needs something, it doesn't feel finished to me yet." My gaze moves over it, silently asking it to tell me what it's missing.

"You are talented Lara. You should sell your paintings!" She snaps her fingers. "Ah yes! I will ask my friend. She has a gallery in Paris." She motions to my artwork. "If you show your art many will buy."

"That is so sweet of you Juliette. But I'm only here for one more week..." I bite my lip thinking. Maybe this doesn't have to be my last week here? I sigh knowing this probably isn't realistic.

"Let me know if you change your mind."

"I will, thank you. Oh! I almost forgot! Before we head out, I need you to read that letter! I have it downstairs."

Grabbing it from my bedroom I meet her in the living room.

"Here! I've tried but I can't make it out. And I don't know if what I translated is even accurate."

"I will do my best." She unfolds the letter while sitting on the couch and starts to translate.

"'Mon amour...umm...My love, I miss you like I cannot say. Won't you come for another visit? My mother is sick and needs me here. If this were not so I would be on the first train to Paris and you. It has been three long months and....feels like eternity. Our roses are blooming and have the sweetest scent. I keep a fresh bouquet inside I feel like a part of you is here with me. How I wish we could have our very own petite house somewhere far away just the...two of us. We would have a rose garden. I know how happy that would make you. I am sending you my Lady of the Lake as promised. When you read it think of me and know I am thinking of you. Ma mè mother... is ringing her bell and I must go. I am sealing this letter with a kiss. How I wish it were not just this paper my lips could touch. Forever Yours, Adelaide Dubois'"

When Juliette finishes reading, I find myself speechless. Grabbing the letter back, I stare at it as if it could tell me more.

"Do you think this Adelaide person was in love with my grandmother?" I finally ask.

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