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I slowly stepped over the already flattened grass, someone had been here, but no one could possibly still be waiting here for me. As I looked around to check that no one was watching, I stepped onto the hot sand, screwing up my face to hold back the pain i felt as it scorched the bottom of my delicate feet. As I got over the sudden heat, I sprinted down the beach, like a squirrel running away from a farmer with a gun.

As I reached the waters edge, I didn't bother testing it, I didn't bother stripping off, the exquisite and probably very expensive dress I had on. I just dove into the waves and swam swiftly like a dolphin, my dress flowing around me, twinkling as the silver stitching caught the sun. I swam deeper and deeper until I could no longer see the surface, until I was completely submerged. And then I stopped, this had to be far enough to keep me from the world above. So I floated there, watched the bubbles dance endlessly through the water and the seaweed sway from side to side with my hair. I watched as all the different creatures of the sea lived out their lives, so insignificant. I was lost in thought for what seemed like days, months, even years!

I was suddenly ripped out of my dream as my eyes jolted open. I couldn't understand where I was and what I was doing and for a split second I searched my mind for an answer. But I didn't have much time to think, I was suddenly pulled upwards by a unknown force. I whizzed up through the water, broke through the surface and kept going. The harsh wind drying my body, tearing my dress to shreds and sending piercing pains along my bare skin, like a million tiny needles jolting into my body over and over. I slowly opened cracks in my eyes and I could see whisps of clouds whizzing past my eyes at 100km an hour. I kept going, higher and higher into the sky, and when I felt like I couldn't possibly go any further... I stopped.

I stayed there for a few seconds, just floating in mid air, wondering what was going to happen next, when gravity kicked in, dropping me at ten times the speed I had risen with. So much force was pounding on my back and I wondered how my clothes hadn't been ripped clean of my body yet! I was going so fast that I couldn't even open my eyes and I could barely feel anything except the wind that numbed me right to my bones.

I couldn't have been falling long but suddenly I smacked into a hard surface. It felt like I had broken every single bone in my body, been torn to pieces. I couldn't move at all, or open my eyes so I just lay there, listened to the wind, now soft and quite calming and the birds chirping, though all the sounds were still muffled slightly. And when I thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, I heard soft foot steps and curious voices. I wanted to scream at them to leave me alone, but I couldn't even open my mouth and  as I felt them getting closer, I completely blacked out.

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