Chapter 2: Who is the Better Ranger?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Power Ranger or Digimonof any season.

Tommy was walking to the bus that was parked outside the apartment. The bus driver was waiting patiently for Tommy, he had the bus door closed until he saw Tommy. The bus driver opened the door and asked, "Are you Tommy Oliver."

"Yep that's me, I'm Tommy Oliver," said Tommy, when he entered the bus, Tommy then put out his hand so the bus driver could shake it and the bus driver gladly accepted it.

"Names David," said David, shaking Tommy's hand

"David that's funny my brother's name is David," said Tommy.

"No kidding," asked David, interested.

"No kidding," said Tommy, the two then broke the hand shake and Tommy turned to get to his seat, until he saw a man in his mid-thirties in front of him.

The man looked quite cheery which Tommy found cool, the man then spoke, "Hello my name is Mr. Fugiama, and you must be Timmy Oliver."

'Man what's up with this guy, my name isn't Timmy, maybe he's just bad with names, I better correct him before he introduces me to the kids as Timmy Oliver,' thought Tommy

"So Timmy are you excited for camp," asked Mr. Fugiama as they both sat down when the bus driver decided to drive.

"Actually sir, my name is Tommy Oliver, said Tommy

Mr. Fugiama then looked at Tommy, "Oh I'm sorry Tommy I didn't mean to get your name wrong, I've been trying to remember everyone's names so I don't have to look on a clip board all the time," he said with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Its ok sir, everyone makes mistakes," reassured Tommy

Mr. Fugiama smiled because Tommy accepted his apology. "Well back to business, I think you'll like the campers Tommy, they're all great kids," said Mr. Fugiama

"Oh I'm sure I will, I happen to be good with kids," said Tommy

"Well I'm happy to hear that Tommy," said Mr. Fugiama, just then the bus stopped and multiple children came in the bus, there were a lot of children, Tommy thought there was maybe twenty children. Tommy took a look around real quick to see if anyone stood out to him and apparently there was. Tommy spotted seven children that stood out, two of them were girls and four of them were boys. They didn't really seem to all know each other well, but Tommy had a feeling, they were going to know each other very soon. Tommy was then brought back to reality when he heard Mr. Fugiama saying his name, "Tommy, Tommy are you all right."

"What," said Tommy, turning to look at Mr. Fugiama.

"Are you alright Tommy, I was trying to talk to you but you wouldn't answer," said a confused Mr. Fugiama.

"Oh don't worry about me I was just thinking about how this summer will be," said Tommy

"What do you think," asked Mr. Fugiama curiously

"I think this summer just got interesting," said Tommy

"Oh, anyway how about we make introductions," said Mr. Fugiama

"Alright," said Tommy

"Well go ahead," said Mr. Fugiama

"Wait you want me to do introductions," asked a surprised Tommy

"Yep I think you should have the honors," said Mr. Fugiama

"Oh, well alright," said Tommy, he then stood up and looked at everyone, "Hello everyone I am Tommy Oliver and I will be one of your counselors."

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