12 | underwater

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I stepped out of the shower my hair dripping wet from the warm shower I just had. I looked at myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. Glaring at the scar that was engraved under my neck and curved on top of my breast. I remembered exactly how I got it.

Me sitting in his basement, not listening to a word he says. He grabbed my hair like he always does, used his pocket knife, and carving through my skin.

Just because I didn't want to have sex with him.

Some men are disgusting.

I couldn't sleep because of what I witnessed earlier tonight. The man's face not leaving my mind. The bullet planted in his skull. Asher slept on the couch as usual and I slept on his bed, but right now I needed someone to be beside me. I'm too terrified to fall asleep right now not knowing what my dreams will provide me with.

I put on some pajama shorts and a tank top too small to hold my big breasts. I braided my hair into four which is going to make them curly in the morning. I haven't decided if I wanted to go to the boat party. I didn't even have a swimsuit to go in.

I unlocked the bathroom door and placed my towel in the hamper.

I saw Asher leaning against the room door, his shirt missing. "I'm sorry." He whispered, moving from his spot and walking up to holding my hands.

His curly black hair was wet from the shower he had and water droplets were on his skin.

He looked hot. Very hot.

"About what?" I whispered. I gazed into his grey orbs. His hands moving from my hands and traveled to my waist. "You saw me kill a man. I just...he threatened you. He didn't agree to the deal we made and he saw you. He wanted you in exchange for the drugs. I said no and he threatened to kill you." He elucidates.

It didn't take rocket science to tell that he was in a gang. The gun, the cool cars, and the drugs. The expression on his says it all; he didn't mean to kill that man. Asher killed that man because he said something about me.

"Don't feel bad, Leah. He was a bad person. He deserved it." Asher murmured.

He led me to his bed and laid me down, Just starting at the ceiling like I always do then a question popped up in my mind.

"What did you have with calla?" I heard his release a deep breath and spoke, "calla wanted something that I couldn't give her. " I frowned.

That's all?

I'm sure there's more to the story than just that. Theo said that Calla loved him and that they had sex. He didn't say anything else, he just stared at the ceiling.

"Where did you get that scar?" My eyes shot to his and his eyes were looking at my cleavage. The scar on full display thanks to the tank top I was wearing.

Stupid tank top. "Car accident." I lied, looking around the room avoiding his eyes. "Your lying." He whispered. "You blink rapidly when you lie and although it's dark and I can't see you blush too." My cheeks heat up even more at what he said. I didn't even know I blush when I lie.

I used my fingers and traced the scar with my finger. "I don't want to talk about," I whispered. "That's fine. Are you coming tomorrow?" Asher was talking about the boat party. I'm not even in the mood to get out of my bed.

"I'm not going, you can go I'll be fine by myself," I said. I turned to Asher when I didn't get a response. His eyes were close and his breathing was steady. "Asher?" I shook him and he didn't budge.

The asshole fell asleep when I was talking to him.


"Did they fucked?"

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