02| good girl

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I can't stop thinking about what Calla told me a week ago. I listened to her when she told me that I should avoid him and I did I avoided him like plague.

In class, I sit on the other side of the room from him, and in the hallway, I avoid him also. I caught him staring at me while kissing a dumb blonde the other day other than that I didn't see him.

Calla still didn't tell me why I should stay away from him. We sat at the farthest table in the cafeteria. "Do you want that?" Calla asked as she pointed at my fries. "Nah, you can have it," I replied and folded my arms running my hands through my hair.

"I'm gonna get a book to read at my locker I'll be back," I said getting up. "Dork" she muttered, I showed her my middle finger and replied, "Cunt."

The hallways were vacant as I took my William Shakespeare book. My locker slammed shut and I jumped. Asher was standing there with his fist against the locker. He stepped towards me and backed me up against the locker until there was no space between us.

"You think I don't know what you doing. Huh?" He whispered, his minty breath fanning across my face.
"What are you talking about?" I said playing dumb.

"Don't play with me, Leah. I know you're hiding from me." He said. He moved his fist from the locker and placed his hands around my throat tightening it. "Your gonna listen to everything I say and if you don't listen, " he started, making a gun with his fingers and pointing it to my head. "Bang! Hole in your forehead." His eyes darkened and fear rose inside me.

"We don't wanna spoil that pretty face with blood right?" He said tightening his hands around my throat. Air wasn't reaching in my lungs and I started gasping for air. He let go and walked away.

I caught my breath and tears rolled down my cheeks. "What did I get myself into again."


I ran beside Calla for the fourth time around the field. We had P.E now and let's just say these coaches are evil.

"One more lap!" The coach shouted. We ran our last lap and made up with the class. We had to run those laps because we were late to class, thanks to Calla.

The short gym shorts were making all the boys roam my tanned legs. I looked down on the ground feeling uncomfortable. "Okay, class dodgeball time!" Coach Winters shouted.

We split into two teams Calla, a blonde boy named Jesse, Rachel, Maya, and I.

It was a pretty small team considering half the class has a free period. The other team mostly consists of boys. Two brunettes, a redhead girl, A guy named Tony and, you guessed it, Asher.

His eyes never left mine and I tried to avoid his.

The balls were lined up and the teams were ready. The coach blew the whistle and everyone ran, grabbing balls and throwing them to the opposite team. I grabbed a ball throwing it at one of the boys with brown hair. The ball hit him straight in the face and he was out.

Sweat rolled down my forehead and the heat from the sunburned my skin. Tony threw a ball at me and I dodged it with ease.

Jesse, Rachel, and Maya were out and it was just me and Calla. Calla threw one at the redhead and she was out leaving Asher alone.

"We can take him," Calla said catching her breath. I nodded. Asher handed me a mischievous look as he took up a ball. He hit Calla and she was out.


I took up my ball but it was too late. By the time I looked up, a ball was flying straight towards me. It hit me straight in the face and I fell on the grass.

Was that ball made of cement?

I looked up at the sun and groaned a headache coming on.

"Leah!" Calla was standing over me with coach Winters and Asher.

"Grey, you okay?" Coached asked. I shook my head. "No. I feel a headache coming on."

"I'll take her to the nurse." Asher offered. Calla shook her head furiously at the coach. " Fuck you, Asher!" Calla shouted.

"You already did." He said smirking. Calla was red with embarrassment and anger. "Asher take Leah to the nurse. Calla a lap for the profanity." Coach intervened.

"B-but-but Coach. It's like you don't say it. I'm sure you say it a lot in the bedroom..." Calla argued as the coach led her to the tracks.

"Come on love. Let's go to the nurse." Asher held out his hand and I rolled my eyes getting up avoiding his hand. Once I got up I felt weak and my eyes rolled back.

"Oh shit." I heard Asher said before I fainted.


My head was pounding non-stop as the nurse gave me an ice pack. "Darling, did you have any breakfast Or lunch?" The nurse asked. She looked as if she was in her early forties. She had blonde hair with grey strands.

"No, I skipped breakfast because I was late for school and I wasn't in the mood for nasty school lunch," I muttered. I felt Ashers stare on me as if he knew I was lying.

"Well, honey the reason why you fainted was that you didn't eat anything and then you went and ran in the sun. Here, " she said handing me an aspirin. "Take this after you eat something." I took the pills from here and got off the bed.

"Come on. Let's get you something to eat." Asher said grabbing my hand and leading me out of the school.

"Hop on." He said when we reached his bike. "No thanks," I said crossing my arms over my chest. "Leah..." He growled. I remembered what he said to me at lunch and I hopped on.

I wrapped my hands around his waist and blushed when I felt the six-pack underneath his shirt.

Stop blushing Leah! He threatened to kill you.

The bike started and I held on tighter. We left the school and we drove into the city to a McDonald's.

We went in and I took a seat as Asher ordered. He came back with a burger and fries. "Water or soda." He asked.


He came back with a cup of water and placed it in front of me. "Eat." He commanded.

I took one of the fries and I slowly eat them stopping to take a sip of water. "You're a really bad liar you know." He said. I looked up at him, confused.

"We both know that you weren't late for school and everyone loves the school lunch." He said. I scoffed. "The hospital has better food than that," I said sipping some of my water.

"Are you anorexic?" I nearly choked on my water when he said that. "No!" I exclaimed.

"Then why won't you eat." His face was blank as he stared at me.

Oh dammit!

I took the burger and bite a piece of it considering I haven't eaten meat in ten months. I'm not a vegan or anything but I felt the need to through up as I chewed.

"Good Girl."


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