Family Dinner.

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Author's note:  This story is winding to a close!  Hope you all are satisfied!

TWs:  None that I can think off.

"He's like a little brother to me."

Wilbur knew he meant a lot to Phil. Phil wouldn't have invited him to family dinners, wouldn't have inquired after his well being, wouldn't have hung out with him so much if he didn't care. Wilbur hadn't known that his family feelings towards Phil were reciprocated. Wilbur had thought that he was just a close friend to Phil.

Wilbur had assumed he was just a stand-in, temporary replacement for Phil's real family. That Phil was lonely and was filling the void in his heart with Wilbur. Wilbur was fairly certain that they would keep in contact after college, they had clicked in a way, and got along pretty well. Wilbur hadn't realized Phil cared for him so much. Wilbur knew that Phil meant what he said by the expressions on Phil's brothers' faces.

Wilbur had the perfect view of both of their faces, and he was good at reading expressions.

It was a good way to tell who had exactly what intention. And Wilbur had needed that.

Wilbur wasn't too surprised by the look of shock on Tommy's face. Even if he and Wilbur had spoken before, Tommy hadn't known that Wilbur was more than just an acquaintance of Phil's. The next emotion was something close to acceptance. As if the weight of Phil's words had hit him, and had only sunk in right then. And then there's the anger Wilbur anticipated. If he wasn't already frozen, that look of rage would have stolen the breath out of his chest.

There's not the hate that Wilbur feared, but the sheer fury written on every line of Tommy's face burns and scorches his heart all the same. As if the fire in Tommy's spirit is overflowing, licking at the walls around Wilbur's emotions. Then the heat is restrained, and it settles on Tommy's features as poorly controlled anger.

Techno is better at hiding his true feelings, all his emotions muted. Wilbur can tell that he's surprised. It makes sense, Phil never really talked about Wilbur, as if he was some sort of secret. A calculating expression spread across Techno's face slowly, as if he was evaluating the best way to break Wilbur. His face settled in a way that just overshot neutrality and landed on cold.

Wilbur stares at Techno for a moment longer. He searches Techno's face for a hit of warmth, anything other than the freezing hostility radiating from him. The ice weakens his burnt walls, and they crumble slightly. A chill invades him, and he has to resist the urge to shiver.

Wilbur fortifies his walls, firmly reminding himself that he has lived without Phil, Tommy, and Techno in his life, and he can do it again. No matter how painful it would be. Wilbur summons his strength and makes sure that no hint of the horror he feels is reflected on his face. Wilbur lets the frozen smile on his face thaw slightly, turning into a more neutral line.

Phil's arm tightens around Wilbur after witnessing the displays. Tommy trembles slightly with contained vitriol, eager to spew it out. Techno moves so little he seems like a statue. Phil taps his foot on the floor repeatedly, anxious in the dead quiet that has fallen over them. The three continue to stand stock still long enough that it becomes awkward.

"Come on in then!" Phil said, his voice strained with false cheer as he gestures Techno further into their dorm.

"You're just in time! I'm going to go start cooking for our family dinner! Take a seat, please," Phil said, with fake pep coloring his tone. He pointed at the chair and couch in the main room, as he walked to the kitchen.

Techno sat down in the loveseat immediately, not wanting to sit next to anybody and risk having to socialize or make small talk. Tommy immediately sat right down in the middle of the couch. Wilbur surveyed the scene and assessed his options. Sitting on the floor would be to concede defeat, to admit weakness, and show that they could boss him around. He made his decision.

Wilbur sat down next to Tommy, on the left side of the couch. Tommy whipped around to face him.

"Don't. Touch. Me," Tommy hissed lowly, his voice just short of a snarl. There was nowhere on the couch Wilbur could sit without touching Tommy. Nowhere on the couch. Wilbur got up immediately, thought for a second, and headed into the kitchen. He picked up one of the folding chairs that he and Phil had put in the kitchen at the beginning of the year and never removed. They had gotten more for Techno and Tommy's stay.

Wilbur picked up the chair and started walking out of the kitchen. Phil turned to him and gave him a questioning glance, his eyes flicking from Wilbur to the chair he was carrying and back again. Wilbur quickly gave a grin and winked, hoping Phil would assume anything other than the truth. Phil turned back to his cooking with an amused smile. Wilbur brought the chair out to the main room and sat it down midway from the end of the couch and the end of the loveseat, in a triangle formation.

Tommy glared at him, clearly not expecting Wilbur to circumvent his demands so cleverly and efficiently. They sat in silence, except for Tommy, who seethed and cussed under his breath. Techno stared at where Phil worked in the kitchen, expression unreadable. They continued to sit in silence until Phil called them to the table. Tommy bolts over, while Techno takes his time walking calmly. Wilbur folds his chair up and brings it with him.

Throughout the dinner, there is an air of hostility, tension boiling, and bubbling under the surface.

"Pass the salt please," Wilbur requested politely. Tommy snorted, sniping at him for the umpteenth time in one sitting.

"Big man, can't even get his own salt. How'd you even get into college?" Tommy mocked, rolling his eyes. Phil got up and walked over to Tommy's side of the table with heavy steps. Phil picked up the salt and slammed it down in front of Wilbur. The utensils, plates, and drinks on the table rattled.

"Was that really that hard to do, Tommy?" Phil asked through gritted teeth. Tommy opens his mouth, looking offended.

"You know what, no. Tommy, this is Wilbur's house as well. You are a guest here, and that is no way to treat your host!" Phil lectured sharply.


"It was none of your business!" Phil replied defensively.

"I dunno, Phil, sounds exactly like our business," Techno replied monotonely.

Phil slammed his utensils down on the table. "I didn't tell him so I could protect him from you!"

"You think I don't know that you interrogate all my friends? That you screen them and dissect them and decide whether or not they're good enough to hand out with me? You drive so many people away from me accidentally, and I didn't want you scaring Wilbur off as well! Like it or not, I care about him. The same way I care about you two. All I want is for my family to get along," Phil said, slumping defeatedly as he ran out of steam. Tommy sat in stunned silence.

"Phil..." Techno said.

Wilbur stood up, his chair screeching behind him. He bolted for the door, threw it open, and ran down the corridor. He used his long legs to easily outpace anybody who would have followed him. After he reached the ground level, he realized he had nowhere to go. Wilbur stood at the doors instead, wishing he was anywhere but there. An indeterminable amount of time passed.

A hand landed on his shoulder, and he whirled around to see Phil standing behind him hesitantly.

"Wilbur," Phil started off softly.

"I'm sorry, Phil," Wilbur interjected. "I shouldn't have run away."

"Hey, it's okay. Come back with me, please?" Phil asked. Wilbur nodded, and the two walked back to their dorm. Wilbur opened the door hesitantly and saw Tommy and Techno standing in the middle of the room.

"I'm sorry, Wilbur, I shouldn't have been so rude to you. Sorry for yelling at you, Phil," Tommy said.

"Sorry I egged him on," Techno said, stepped towards Wilbur, and held out his hand. "Truce?"

"Truce," Wilbur said gratefully, shaking Techno's hand. Phil grinned happily from the sidelines.

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