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⌜ chapter eleven ⌟

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"Ah, Miss Black?" Mr. Feeny quickly calls her over as she starts to walk past him, Eric, Mr. Turner, Mr. Williams, and Dr. Sorrell. "What are your plans for the next week?"

"Uh... School, work...then little by little I have to buy diapers, onesies, tiny socks — hey, does baby food go bad? Should we wait to buy that?" The brunette asks. "Oh, no, wait, we have to stock up on formula first... That's basically my Monday through Friday, sometimes I sleep. Is my eye twitching?" Letty looks up at Turner, pointing at her right eyelid.

"There, there." The teacher pats her head.

"Who's having a baby?" Mr. William's points between Letty and Eric.

"Who are you poin— Oh." The teenage girl stops when she sees Eric looking at her. "Wait, you didn't answer my question — either of them." Letty looks back at Turner.

"Yes, baby food goes bad. No, your eye is not twitching." He tells her, and she nods. "Why don't you have a baby shower? You could get some help with some things."

"Mm. Whose job is it to throw that?"

"Probably yours, given that you're the best friend."

She's still nodding. "In our motel room? Most people don't like that side of town."

"You're still living in the motel on seventh?" Turner questions, and she pauses.

"That depends... Did I tell you that we moved out?" She asks, her dark eyes narrowed and her eyebrows furrowed.

"You told us that you were living with Jason." He reminds her. "I went over and talked about this with the Matthews' nearly four months ago."

"Oh!" The brunette chuckles. "Yeah, see, we told you that we were living with Jason because you would assume that we moved to the trailer park."

"And what actually happened?"

"My mom and Jason's have a lot in common, and he moved into the motel with us." She nods, and then pauses. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that. I need more sleep." 

"Three kids — one of whom is pregnant — cannot live in a motel in such a bad part of town."

"We're fine. It's really not any different than how we grew up. Hell, it's actually safer than living in my trailer." Letty tells them. "So, uh... Why- Why did you call me over here?" She asks as she looks back at Feeny.

"Remember when we came to the arrangement of you helping Eric get his work done, and done properly?" Mr. Feeny asks.

"Um... Y-Yeah." She nods.

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