12:07 PM

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All Komaeda could do was stare in horror as the bright red tinted drink dripped down a suddenly wide awake Kamukura. He really did just throw a smoothie onto a literal god right after sending said god into a murderous rampage.

Well, there was no way around it now, he was absolutely and utterly screwed. No matter how he looked at it this was the biggest mistake of his life. If Izuru Kamukura didn't kill him first then he was going to kill himself after this whole fiasco. He felt the air wheeze through his lungs into a weak chuckle that sounded to his ears more like a dog being violently and unexpectedly strangled. Even if that wasn't the literal case it sure as hell felt like it.
Despite the feeling of death creeping into every crevice of his body he forced himself up onto shaking legs. He hesitantly approached Kamukura "o-oh god" he mumbled. "I-I can fix this," wow he was beginning to stutter worse than that waitress, "I.. think?" He ended off his sentence not only lamely but also with poorly tinged uncertainty.

He hastily grabbed the napkin and began trying to clean the white material but they both knew it was stained. Doomed beyond repair. His eyes glimmered once more with unshed tears but he ignored them. He was far too hellbent on doing something right with his life for once. That's why he wouldn't let it deter him, even a little bit, as he kept trying to uselessly scrub away his mistakes. He needed his failures away from the mans judging eyes, needed to rid Kamukura of himself— nimble fingers gently grasped Komaedas own in a gentle attempt to stop him "Komaeda-san, it's okay."

He felt as though Kamukura had physically struck him despite the fact he hadn't "what?" Komaeda found himself gasping in shock "no, it's not okay! It's not..." The hand clenching the fabric of Izurus ruined shirt fisted almost painfully around the material. The big red stain staring back at him mockingly with its cruel metaphors of a brighter hope just outside his feeble reach. Just like the envelopes. Just like Junkos sugar coated words. Just like Izuru Kamukura. "None of this is okay" he hissed through grinding teeth as the pain from the entire morning shot through him like a poisoned tip from cupids arrow. Was this despair?

Looking up Kamukura seemed vaguely uncomfortable but Komaeda couldn't figure out why "if you want to get out the stain we could"... He momentarily paused as though to recollect his thoughts, or maybe to mentally prepare for what came next, "go back to your room?"

Komaeda blinked.

"I'm sorry, what?" Komaeda felt the words slipping out before even he himself could completely register why he was questioning a literal god over such a simple request. Kamukura just shrugged "you have a washing machine." Oh— that— made a lot more sense. Why did he think Kamukura was asking for something more? He tried to hide his flustered blush by ducking his head and hurriedly nodding 'yes.'

Without much thought Kamukura began walking to the door, turning only briefly to glance at Komaedas stuck form, a question lingering for a brief moment. Disappearing faster than Komaeda could walk though as he rushed to follow Kamukura out the door.

The two walked all the way back to the dorm. Komaeda was in a haze the whole way there, desperately trying to wrap his mind around the fact that... Kamukura wasn't angry? Or maybe Kamukura was leading him somewhere secluded to have his way with him? Suddenly they stopped as they re entered the school premises. "So where do we go?" Oh, so Kamukura really wasn't going to kill him in some back alley? Nice. "Uh" he answered lamely- and, oh crap, Kamukura was looking at him now, quick! Say something! "To the dorms." Ya know what thinking back on it Kamukura really should have killed him.

Kamukura simply cocked a brow as Komaeda hurriedly rushed away trying— and failing— to hide his beet red face behind a pale hand. He was willing to bet money Kamukura saw everything but that wasn't going to falter his own denial. He didn't bother to check if Kamukura was following him as he rushed up the stairs and rounded the corner to his door. Nor did he need to because he could feel his presence as he fumbled with the keys. "S-Sorry" he mumbled, finally unlocking the door and opening it for him.

Stepping inside was a familiar feeling— what wasn't familiar was feeling Kamukura's presence behind him as he entered the dorms. Man was he glad he got lucky enough to not share the room with anyone else, this place definitely wouldn't be nearly as clean if he did. He hadn't understood why this was a lucky moment but now he understood! It was all for Kamukura, of course! Despite his dorm being as cleansed as usual though he still felt mildly embarrassed he hadn't tidied more. The ground Kamukura walked should be spotless for such an ethereal being that embodied hope!

He tried his best not to cringe too badly as he led Kamukura to his room, the cleanest part of the place, and quickly cleared his bed more of any possible gunk. "Please sit here while I grab you some new clothes" he instructed already rifling through his drawers and fishing out some of his smaller shirts. Just by glance alone he could tell they would be too big on him but he didn't have anything else either. At least Kamukura's pants were black so even if they were stained nobody could tell. Hopefully.

Carefully taking the white dress shirt out he passed it to Kamukura "I'm sorry useless trash like me couldn't find anything up to your standards." He tried for a smile but it felt more like a grimace. Kamukura just sighed, too tired to berate Komaeda this time for his self loathing, and just seamlessly accepted the shirt. "Well I'll just throw myself out like the trash I am!" He may or may not be taking advantage of Kamukura's exhaustion, and Kamukura only sending a lazy glare at him did not validate that, nor did his own knowing smile as he walked out the door.

With a soft click he closed the door behind himself, stiffly leaning against it in wait. What were the odds, huh? Kamukura was really in HIS room getting undressed into HIS clothes— with only a door between them. He felt his cheeks warm and a shy smile crawl up his face. He really should not be enjoying this as much as he was, especially after all that had happened, but maybe this was the closest he'd get to Kamukura after today? So... maybe he would enjoy it a little longer.

However, as his luck cycle seemed to always go, if something lucky happened it was inevitable for the bad luck to follow.

He barely felt the surprise as the doors hinges gave away under his weight due to some ungodly misfortune. Him and the door went tumbling down and for the second time that day he felt himself landing onto bruised knees and bruised elbows. He groaned as he instinctively moved to get up because damn that did not hurt any less than it did the first time. His eyes cracked open and moved up— then abruptly widened in horror.

Oh, the door fell inwards apparently.
Wouldn't ya know it Kamukura was indeed undressed. His soaking red shirt was carefully placed on the floorboards to avoid anymore stains, how considerate. Yet despite everything inside that room he could have been staring at he just felt like he couldn't tear his eyes away from Kamukura, even if he wanted to— and god knows he tried to.

But, to be fair, Izuru Kamukura was shirtless.

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