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Fredbears is dead quiet when I get inside. Only person there is creepy ass William, fiddling with wireing on stage. I sneak up behind him, hoping to scare him. Before I can lay a hand on him, he flips around and pins me down, making us both fall off the stage.

"Ow Mother Fucker! William what the hell!?"

His eyes completely wide after realized who he had tackled. "Oh, sorry Love, thought you were an intruder."

I roll my eyes, pushing him off of me.

"So what are you doing anyway?" I ask, standing up.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Oh nevermind. You'll never give me a straight answer." I cross my arms, he is so difficult sometimes.

"Ok then" he chuckles "I'll give you a gay answer."

"Oh my gosh!" I throw my hands up in the air as I walk away "you're impossible Afton!"

"Your uniform is in my office!" Is the last thing I hear before exiting the room.

Arriving at the office, it's scattered of papers and a couple of bottles. If I didn't know better I would think he was a big drunk slob. I find the uniform folded neatly on his desk and... Wait a minute. He changed my uniform? It's purple? Now I'm going to look like a damn grape! The last thing I want to look like.

Just like my first day here, as I get out of the bathroom, William stands there checking my outfit out. "That one looks even better." He says, his smile growing.

"Shut it. I hate it."

"In fact, I'm surprised you had the courage to wear it at all." He turns around and starts to walk back.

"What is that supposed to mean? I have the courage to do almost anything!" What comes out of my mouth stops William dead in his tracks.

"Oh really now?" He turns around and pins me to the wall, getting a small scream and gasp out of me. "Have you the courage to push me away and stop me, Bunny?" His face inches closer as I become more and more uncomfortable. Then I notice it.

My face becomes pale and the uncomfortable turns into scared. The man doing all of the horrible things to me at night is none other than the man who has just pinned me to the wall.

"Well?" He still awaits my answer but I'm sure he already knows I can't. It's not courage. Its strength, there's no way I'm stronger than him. He just wants to hear me admit I'm too weak.

"No" I speak quietly as he let's go. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why would you carve the heart into me?"

His smile grows ear to ear. "It seems the little bunny has figured it out."

I go deathly silent. So, my assumptions were correct. I knew it was off that my phone was at my nightstand as I woke up. I knew the knife belonged to the guy after washing it. I even knew I heard a little British in the man's voice.

"William. Give me one reason I shouldn't run out of here and to the police station?"

His eyes continue to be locked onto mine. "Many reasons, but one of the main ones being, why would they believe you? My my, you have no evidence. Henry wouldn't believe you, saying I've been friends with him for longer."

He's right... At least I think.

"Who else?"

"I'm sorry what?" His tone of voice turns into confusion.

"Who else have you done this too? Killed or tortured or even yet done what you did to me."

"More than I can count."

This Pshyco! No wonder his aura is off.

"All I can say is that the list includes someone who's name rymes with ponathan"

Jonathan. My brother. I lost him in this establishment. Nobody ever talks about him. Especially because I'm very sensitive on the subject. Surely Henry told William about this. I took jonathan here for his eleventh birthday. It was the last time my mother was there. The last time I saw Henry before he went silent.

It was a pretty day, April sixteenth. His favorite character was always spring Bonnie. He loved rabbits. I even made him a spring Bonnie plushie. After we decided to leave we called for him. He didn't respond. He was nowhere to be seen. Henry told us it would be alright. He could never be more wrong. We found him, stabbed to death in the room with no camera. That night my father and mother got into a fight and from that point on. Never saw my father again.

A week later my mom left me, abandoning me. I learned the hard way, I cooked, cleaned, got a small job. He is the one who made my life a living hell...

"Bastard!" I punch him in the snout, leaving him in shock as I run for it. My car seems so much farther as my vision is blurred with tears. I can't believe it! But why did he decide to come clean about it to me? To watch me suffer? To make fun of me?

Henry stops me halfway to my car. "Woah woah y/n! Are you alright?" His face is full of worry.

"Oh uh..." Do I tell him? Would he believe me? His best friend murders and tortures? "Yeah, I guess."

He knows I'm lying but decides it's best not to push it.

"If you need a moment to yourself, come inside when you're ready." His jolly smile cheers me up a little.

I walk over to my car and get in. I was trying my hardest not to cry in front of Henry. I'm not usually a sensitive person but when you bring him up. I can't help it.

I break down, my tears feeling like acid upon my cheeks. My door opens and William looks down upon me. "Your beautiful when you cry y'know that? You should do it more often."

He sits on top of my lap, making sure I don't go anywhere. Well this looks weird.

"Okay. No punching me." He laughs softly.

I shake my head, tears still leaking.

My chin gets gripped hard by Williams cold hand. "I wouldn't test me."

I smack his hand away. he grabs both of my wrists and holds them behind the head of the seat. "You are trouble aren't you? For your mother and father to abandon you? Must suck."

"William... Please." I don't know what pleading will do. He likes myself suffering. I catch Henry walking towards the car out of the corner of my eye. Perfect. I could feel a little smile emerge from my lips. Yup. That was my first mistake.

William keeps his smile and releases my hands. He does the unimaginable and Hugs me, hiding my face. My vision is completely black but I can hear Henry walk up to the car.

"Uhm William?"

"She's sad about her brother I'm just comforting her" He whispers the last part like he doesn't want me to hear it. I try and move but William holds me tighter.

"Oh... Oh! Oh yeah! I'll just go open up!"

His footsteps become non audible.

"Let go of me dumbass. " I sigh, my voice muffled.

"Only if you stop being so mean."

I sigh yet again and nod. His arms let go and he gets up. "See you inside Bunny."

He placed a quick peck on my cheek and walks away. This man has a wife doesn't he?


(HORRIBLE/OUTDATED)You Can Trust Me, Love - William Afton X Reader Where stories live. Discover now