Jailbreak! - Episode 1

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A creepy cackling could be heard from the surrounding, barren trees. You shiver. A creepy looking, baby faced owl flew from the trees onto the overhang of the house Eda was waiting at, tapping her feet impatiently.

Luz and you approached Eda, and panting, Luz asked "Aren't you worried about those guards finding us?" "Nope! My house has a state-of-the-art defense system." Eda brags, turning herself to the door. You trail behind the two, not quite trusting it here yet.

"Hoot hoot! Password, please!" Something said in a high pitched voice. You couldn't really see what since Eda's body was covering it, but you kinda assumed it was an owl. Since, y'know, Eda was known as the owl lady. Then there followed a wet squishing sound, and a pained shriek. You wince. "We got no time for this, Hootie. Let us in." Eda deadpanned.

"Alright, alright, geez. You never wanna have any fun. Ow. Hoot." It angrily said, before opening its mouth unnaturally wide. Eda and Luz stepped through wordlessly. You hesitate before trailing along. You'd have to apologize to it later. On the witch's behalf.

The door (?) closes behind you, and you find yourself in an unlit room, the only light coming from the few windows in the walls. "Welcome to... The owl house!" Eda proudly announced, with a lot of dazzle. She snapped her fingers, making all the candles and the fireplace light up and some of the furniture come alive, performing various household tasks. On the ceiling, light traced along a carving and it lit up beautifully. You gasp. Whether this wretched lady had made it herself or had it made for her, it was gorgeous nonetheless.

"Wow, Eda. You have a pretty good sense of style." You look around the room, quite enjoying the dark vibe the room gave off with its various weapons, skulls and candles. She snickered back. "Thanks, kid. This is where I hide away from the pressures of modern life. Also the cops. Heh, also ex boyfriends." It seems the witch has a pretty cool sense of rebellion. You wordlessly respect her and her, let's just say hijinks. "[Name]'s right, this place is beautiful! Do you live here all alone?" Luz gasps as the ground starts to tremble with what sounds like footsteps.

"Actually, no. I have a roommate." Eda sighs, looking exasperated more than anything. A large shadow appears in the doorway. "Who dares intrude upon I, the king of demons!" It said in a high pitched voice. Said demon appeared in the doorway and turned out to be the tiniest, cutest demon you've ever seen holding a rubber duck like he just came out of a bath. He squeezed it twice for good measure.

Luz squealed and spoke gibberish, practically launching herself onto the tiny demon. "EDA HE'S SO CUTE!! Who's a little guy, who's a little guy?! Is it you? IS IT YOU?!" She was freaking out. In a good way, though. Luz tightly hugged the demon, who struggled in her grasp. "I don't know who your little guy is! Eda, who is this monster?!" The demon yelled out in a distressed voice.

You gently pull luz back and laugh at seeing her struggle in your grasp. "Oh, this is Luz, and that's [Name]. They're humans, and they're here to help us with our little... Situation." Your attention immediately snaps away from Luz and the demon. You narrow your eyes at Eda.

"You still haven't told us exactly what your 'situation' is." You warily say, letting go of Luz. You instantly miss the contact, but it's for the best.

"Just let me explain." Eda fingers the air in front of her and makes a spell circle, showing you two images in order to explain things better.

"King was once the mighty king of demons, until his crown of power was stolen and he became... This." She gestures towards King, who Luz was holding once again. "You mean this little bundle of joy?" Luz coed. "The crown is being held by the evil warden Wrath, and locked away by a magical force-field that only humans can break through. Humans like you." The spell disappeared and Eda was grinning. "If you help us retrieve his crown, we'll send you back to your own realm. So what do ya say?" Eda said with a lot of dazzle and charm. She reached for King, plucking him out of Luz's arms, making the girl whine sadly. "Plus, who could say no to this cute face? We're also kinda your only way home." Eda's smile fell, as her face grew more serious.

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