Warden Wrath - Episode 1

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You chase after King, who'd already started sprinting into the crown's general direction. Luz soon follows.

You glance over your shoulder at the former prisoners. They just stood there, frozen and not knowing what to do. You get to a halt and gesture for them to come along. "If you wanna keep standing there like an idiot, you can do so. But you could also come along with us and we'll make sure you all get out safely." You lie through your teeth because in all honesty, you have no idea if you'll be able to get them out.

You get back to running again, because King was still running god knows where, and smile when you hear the tapping of footsteps against concrete (and also the wet schlopping of some slime?).

"Hey, little demon! Stop running for a second!" You wheeze after a few seconds, your lungs feeling like they might collapse. You and your melodramatic, untrained body really clash. Luckily, he ran straight into Eda. The witch didn't even twitch.

"Oh, hey, there you two are. Let's get going already. The warden is torturing some tiny creature, so he won't be around here any time soon." She casually says, gesturing towards the way they need to go. Luz frowns.

You put a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "Getting tortured, not getting murdered. We can still save her afterwards." You smile at her, and she brightens up a bit. "Yeah, you're right." She smiles back. You blush awkwardly because of the disaster gay that you are.

You all walk towards a huge door that says 'contraband' on it in big bold letters. It was already cracked open.

King 'nyeh'd and ran towards the door. "My crown, it's close! I can sense its power!!" He exclaims, scratching at the door and fumbling with a random knob on it. You chuckle at the sight.

So did Eda. "Aww, he gets so cute when he's thirsting for power." She said with a stupid smile on her face. You agree. Not that you'd admit that, but you agree.

Meanwhile Luz was still sad. "It's not fair that they're all in here! They just want to be themselves! Why does the warden think being a weirdo is bad?" Luz sighed, looking at Eda with the human version of puppy dog eyes. She looked really cute when she was sad. You wanted to respond to her but King managed to pull off said doorknob. It fell to the ground with a sharp 'clang'. King giggled (it really did sound like he was thirsty for power.) and ran through the cracked door.

Eda sighed exasperatedly. "Let's go. Before he hurts himself." And at what seems like a great comedic timing, you hear a faint 'ow' from the next room.

You three walk into the room too, just in time to see King headbutt into the... Forcefield? Well, whatever.

"Hey, we have two humans, remember?" Eda smirked at the tiny demon. "Oh, right."

"Well, the pleasure is all yours, ladies. Get in there and find King's crown." Eda said, pointing towards the forcefield. "Oh, and feel free to take anything you like in there too. It's not like it was gonna get returned anyways, heh." She mumbled that last bit, but you could still hear it. You bark a laugh. "Will do. Let's go, Luz!"

You take a deep breath and poke your hand through the forcefield. It felt... Weird. Tingly on your skin. You shudder and walk through in one go. What was behind the forcefield made you gasp. "Wow, look at this pile 'a stuff!"

Luz soon joined you and shivered when she stepped next to you. She looked up and her eyes sparkled. "Woah!"

You elbow her in her side. "Maybe we can return some o' this stuff if we're fast enough." You grin. She smiled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's do that!"

You hear Eda's voice from behind the forcefield. "Yes, please take your time, it's not like the warden could come back at any given moment." The sarcasm was practically dripping off that sentence. You laugh again. "We sure will, and every time you complain, we'll take even longer." You can hear her grumble behind the forcefield.

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