Bra shopping with your mum

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Need I say more?

But for those who've never experienced this before - it's possible, trust me - let me try to explain the ... interesting events that may or may not occur.

1. First:

•Your mother suspects you need a new bra with her most phenomenal super mum powers.

•You tell your mother you need a new bra.

•Your mother tells you to change and magically appears in your room right as you're taking off your shirt to ask what's for dinner and decides you must go bra shopping with her soon.

2. Then:

•The next morning you & her go to HER usual bra store to get you grandma bras with no proper wiring and no padding because your mum thinks your boobs are too big for padded bras.

•The next day she tells EVERYBODY that she's going bra shopping with you because you need a new bra. Either the person goes "aww, she's all grown up now" or "hehe... I'll leave you two ladies to it then" (normally said by your dad).

•She goes to the sales attendant and asks if they have even smaller bras cause the smallest size on display does not fit.

3. Sadly:

•The bra fits "perfectly" and your mum buys 2753892693 of them.

•You ask her to go to the bra shop you prefer but she starts with the "I know what's best for you" speech.

•You see THE MOST GORGEOUS BOY you know you'll ever see in real life pass by so you go to the nice bra section but your mum calls you over with all the selection of grey & brown & black grandma bras screaming "is this okay?" and when you turn the boy is giving you this girls must still have cooties look.

•She makes you try on every bra with the sales attendant in the small, cramped dressing room. The sales attendant tries so hard to please your mum by giving you compliments.

4. Finally:

•You get home and stuff the bras in the bottom of wherever you keep them and break your piggy bank to see how much you have left. Unfortunately, your parents don't give you any allowance.

•You get home and get on your knees and thank God you didn't see anyone you know.

•You get home and never worry about what anyone will think when you start wearing the bras and your boobs look like the boobs off someone from Kim Possible. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. no. You worry.

And that is what happens when you go bra shopping with your mum. Unless your mum is super cool and let's you get bras you actually like. But honestly, we don't have many mums like that do we?

Let me not talk about bra shopping with your dad.


This chapter is dedicated to @pizzapartayyy who told me she had to go bra shopping with her grandmother. We're here for you.

Who have you gone bra shopping with and how was it?

Shout out to all the grannies out there. You know we love you, and your bras.

And to the embarrassing mums, I think I speak for all of us when I say...


hehe I love you mummy,

Christina x

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