Never giving them a chance

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First official update. Whoop.

The title of this chapter is "never giving them a chance". You may be wondering who I refer to as "them".

Okay, lemme start from the beginning.

I like a lot of different music and a lot of different singers, groups, bands, duos, rappers and the rest (if there's more). But I think my taste in music usually comes off as a little girly and pre-teeny since I like One Direction & Ariana Grandé more than I like others.

Now here's where the problem comes in.

I have a couple of friends who actually like 1d and I actually have one or two I've be able to convince that they're good. Then, I have the majority of my friends who just automatically say "you like one direction? ew. I hate them, they're so gay."

Now hold the f*ck up (excuse my french).

Rewind that.

Now repeat and see if I won't slap you so hard you won't remember-

Okay I'll stop there.

I'm not angry because I'm one of those obsessive fans who know what second they were born and plan to have their child the same exact second (like wtf?) or anything.


How can you say that?

First of all gay is not a race. Nor is it a skin colour, hair colour, tribe or emotion (in this context).

Not all gay people dress the same or walk the same or talk the same or act the same. So you can't exactly put them down as a category and say "they're so gay".

That must be pretty offensive to gay people.

I mean, if you're going to question the liking of one of my favourite boy groups, say something you believe is going to be offensive and not expect me to get DEFENSIVE.

AM I RIGHT? Or am I right?

Like the other day people started talking rubbish about Justin Bieber saying he is gay and all that. I'm like 109% sure that one of the people who was contributing to their eventful discussion hates discrimination against gays.

Hypocrite much?

Then when they start to ask me "why are you defending him?" and I be like "I'm defending those who cannot defend themselves".

Then when they start realising what they're saying is very unfair they bring out the "they don't even know you exist" cards.

Haha erm do you even exist?

To be created is not to be formed.

Girl, you is a fetus.

You ain't even a fetus, that's too old for you.

Honestly, people who act like this take the piss!

Act your age people.

This is not supposed to come out biased but it is my honest opinion so.

But to be fair they can act like what some people in society deem as "gay".

You know, the grinding on each other and all that.

And I mean you can't deny it.

But it's fun for them.

And unless the person officially comes out as gay, can we please stop calling him/her/them that? How would you feel if millions of people around the world hated on you like 24/7?

Not cool.

And these celebrities need to be themselves. Maybe the way you knew them before doesn't make them comfortable anymore or just isn't them. You never know what's really going on in a persons mind, even when they claim they've voiced it out.

Classic example is Ariana Grandé.

As most of us know, if not all, Ariana used to play the sweet, daft girl on a nickelodeon show. Put yourself in her shoes.

Actually don't.

No two people are the same. You may not feel the way she feels. She probably feels she needs to make a name for herself. Not the girl who's known as "that girl who used to be on Victorious" but instead, Ariana Grandé. That's her style. She does what she wants. She's an ADULT. People say she sounds 12 and even looks 12. Now if she didn't change her style, wouldn't she forever look 12? I wouldn't want that.

And just because I want to voice it out, if no one had ever said that first comment that someone looked gay or acted gay or sounded gay, would you all be saying it?

Probably not.

And with Justin. He acts like he his, "he's trying to act black". He doesn't act like he is "he's too white".


Then we have Miley.

God knows I'm not the biggest fan of Miley Cyrus but can people stop the comments about how she's changed and all that because it's not very nice.

There are so many reasons why people change. And even though you may think it's not the best, at least tell her in a nice way! Don't call her a slut cause the only way to know a slut is to have an encounter with one and we all know what encounters with sluts lead to *insert moon face emoji*.

The way Miley dresses or acts only affects her FANS. And if you were a true fan you would support her no matter what cause you most likely don't know the motivation behind that change. Her reason for the change could easily be that she knows that her older fans are growing up and want something newer, current and more grown up of her.

I mean we all saw this change coming after Party in the USA. You know, the whole "moving my hips". This type of change is almost inevitable with celebrities who are associated with Nickelodeon, Disney and the rest. And they obviously don't have bad intentions and the change was probably not as well received or thought out as they wanted. But it has happened.

There are too many self proclaimed critics out there who are just down right unfair.

For all those reading this book right now who are like this, hi.

Why don't you give them a chance?

Just like sit down and give them a chance.

Don't focus on who they come off as or who they're seen as to you. Cause if you were supposed to advice them or judge them you'd be apart of their personal lives.

But you're not.

If they're profession involved singing, listen to their music.

If they're profession involves acting, focus on their acting.

If their profession involves dancing, focus on their dancing.

They might surprise you.


I hope you like this chapter. I would love to hear about what you think so please comment. Also, I know this idea might be used quiet a lot but I honestly would love to know more about my readers so I think every chapter will come with a question or two.

So first official question of the book is ....

What're your ethnicities (e.g Zimbabwean, Polish, German, Unicorn, Australian)?

Hope this goes well lol.


Christina x

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