Halloween Candy Shortage

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Some small town in Wisconsin......

The supermarkets were almost empty of candy. The shelves only had some Kit Kats, Snickers, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, and Almond Joy. Martha was aghast at the lack of candy she discovered. Halloween was next Saturday, and today was the 24th of October. Word was, that some old woman, and a bunch of goons were sneaking into every supermarket in town, and stealing the candy. They shut off the alarm, so as to not draw attention.

"This is terrible!" said Martha, pushing the carriage in the candy aisle. "There are a lot of kids in my neighborhood, and I needs tons of candy to boot! This candy is not gonna be enough to go around!"

"Apparently, we're having a Halloween candy shortage," said Dylan, one of the supermarket employees. "If these shelves aren't restocked with candy by Halloween, we're gonna be in so much trouble. The mayor will probably have to cancel Halloween, if things stay the way they are."

"I can always go to Shop Smart, across the street," said Martha, with a glimmer of hope.

"Good luck with that," scoffed Dylan. "The shelves are about the same capacity!"

"So much for that plan!" snorted Martha. Eventually a major protest broke out throughout the town. It was mostly children that were protesting, over the lack of candy. The idea of Halloween being canceled, infuriated them, and they definitely made their voices heard.

"Save Halloween! Save Halloween!"

"We need candy!"

There were even protests outside of the elementary school, where there was a Halloween party planned for October 30th, the day before Halloween. Again, a good majority of the protesters were children. Kindergartners, 1st, graders, 2nd graders, 3rd graders, you name it!

The small town of Ellensburg, Wisconsin, about 40 minutes from Madison, was becoming a warzone. However, the only kids that were not part of the protest, were the ones that didn't celebrate Halloween, and they attended church, every Sunday. The pastor of Ellensburg Baptist Church was more than pleased about the news that Halloween could be canceled, due to the shortage of Halloween candy. "This is a blessing!" said Pastor Jeffrey Starch.  "I pray that this holiday will not go on!"

Hope was certainly going down the tubes. And, if that wasn't bad enough, the weather forecast for Halloween was calling for an all out rainstorm, which would start on that Saturday morning, and last through Sunday, November 1st, only for clearing skies, that afternoon.

There was no easy way out of this pickle. The old woman and goons never got apprehended, the shelves still remained empty, and rain was still in the forecast for Halloween.

Halloween was most likely to become canceled.

And it did.

This story was written on Thursday, October 1st, 2020.

A/N So somber, isn't it? How would you react, if this situation happened?

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