Chapter 5: I need to punch something...someone

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Chapter 5: I need to punch something...someone

*Jessie's POV*

"She went with a guy who was tall, lanky looking and had black hair, oh and he was wearing a suit" She replied, ignoring that I was supposed to be the bad ass of the town and feeding me the information that I needed. That I was thankful for.

Oh NO! It's my step-father! What the hell is he doing picking her up?

I knew that the worry that I was feeling is clearly evident. I didn't care though, because I was in a state of worry and fear to hide my emotions "Thank-k y-you" I spoke up, my voice cracking, I was overwhelmed and anger pumped through my veins.

"Are you okay?" Skylar touched my arm, hesitantly.

"Fine" I gritted through my teeth.

With that said, I didn't wait for her to reply or say anything else. I ran back to my bike and once I heard the engine roar to life, I sped all the way home.

A million thoughts and situations were racing around my brain, I would never forgive myself if something happened to Promise. She was my baby sister and I loved her more than anything in this world.

Within 10 minutes I had made it home, not even bothering to park my baby in the back. I killed the engine and jumped off my bike, heading straight for the house.

Upon entering, I heard screams and my heart skipped a beat at the sound. It wasn't Promise, I knew that...It was my mother.

Why was she screaming...?

I ran up the stairs and went to check if Promise was in her room, before I went to see why my mother was screaming.

I panicked when Promise was no where to be found in her room, everything started to become to much and I almost felt as though I was going to breakdown.

I need to punch something...someone.

At the thought of hurting someone a sickly sweet smile found its way onto my lips. I was going to hurt someone and I had a pretty good idea of who that someone was, my step-father!

I heard my feet pound against the marble floor, as I made my way to my 'parents' room. When I opened the door, a wave of relief washed over me and I felt like jumping with joy.

Promise was sitting with my mum on a beanbag watching a horror show, with horrified looks on both their faces. Most likely resulting in Promise not being able to sleep tonight. It's okay though Colton will be here to take care of her, while I am at my fight.

I know I probably over reacted, but I have a lot of people, BAD people that want to hurt me. For instance the guys that I fight and beat to pulp, or the people that Colton and I mess up. I mean maybe I didn't get my bad boy reputation for nothing. 

"Hey" Both my mum and Promise jumped at the sound of my voice, but calmed down when they saw that it was just me.

"J!" Promise shouted, jumping off of my mum and running up to me. 

I bought her into a tight hug, it felt good to hug her and know that she was safe in my arms. 

"What happened today? I came to get you from school, but you weren't there" I asked her, she pulled away from my embrace and looked me in the eye, with guilt.

I hated seeing my sister with a guilt ridden face. I didn't mean to make her feel bad I just wanted to know what was going on "step-dad picked me up, he said you asked him to" My face contorted with annoyance.

He lied to Promise. 

What is he up to Jess? Come on think, something isn't right and you know it.

I shook my head not wanting to think about that right now.

I couldn't tell Promise that he was lying, she would be scared and I couldn't have that "Oh yeah, I forgot sorry, where is he now?" If you knew me really well, like my mum did, or Colton, you could tell I was lying. Promise knew me really well, but she was still to young to know this kind of thing. 

"He drowpped me off" 

That little son of a bitch! What game is he playing at?

"Go finish your movie with mum, cheeky. Colton is also coming over to play with you, because I am busy tonight" I whispered the last part to her.  

She gave me a tight squeeze before whispering back "Cowlton is so fuwnyy, wake me up when youw cowme back" I loved her some much, she knew that when I was 'busy' I would get home late and most probably wake her up because I would go in her room to say goodnight.

"Love you Promise" Kissing her forehead, I let her go.

"I lowve youw to J" She gave me a peck on the cheek, before she joined my mum again, on the beanbag.

"Mum we need to talk, when I get back or tomorrow" I spoke seriously toward my mum, she gave me a smile and a curt nod in return. "Love you too" I added, in hope to get something out of her. 

"I love you to sweetie" A smile spread across my face at her words. 

"Bye" I said finally, waving.

I walked out, calmly and went to my room, to get ready for my fight. When I entered my room, I quickly texted Colton to let him know what had happened and that I was leaving for my street fight.

I know what you are all thinking why is some rich bad boy street fighting, he definitely doesn't need the money. Well to tell you the truth, I started it when my mum was with my real dad and we didn't have enough money to get by. 

But now I don't really know why I do it, I guess it's just to let out the pent up anger spiralling throughout my body.

I grabbed my bag with all the things that I need for my fight. Today's fight was big, I was going up against 'The Terminator'. When Titan - the organiser - told me the name of the guy I was going up against, I couldn't stop laughing. I mean seriously, who calls them self 'the terminator' and expect to be feared. However, apparently he is undefeated, but then again so am I.

Again, not to brag or anything.

I smirked at thought. I left my room and went to the front, getting on my bike. 

As I passed the familiar streets and roads, I finally made it to the poor area of town, where nothing good ever went down.

I came to a stop when, the ring came into view, and when I say the ring, I mean a load of people mainly guys who created the circle that I was to fight in. 

I stopped and parked my bike in the parking lot next to the ring, then headed straight for the small building where all the bets where placed, which also included a small change room.

Once I was in my navy blue shorts, I was ready as ever and couldn't wait to take some hits at the guy who calls himself the terminator.


Hey, hey everyone :)

I know that this is such a short chapter, and not much happened, but hopefully the next chapter will be much better than this one.

Thank you to all of you, that have been supporting my story and suggesting ideas, as well as commenting and voting! It honestly makes my day, every time I get a comment or vote :)

I hope that you are all enjoying your holidays, because I sure am.

I am also thinking to start the next chapter in Jessie's POV and then Skylar's POV, would you guys like that? Comment what you think.

Share, vote and comment if you want


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