Chapter Four: Promise

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Chapter Four: Promise

*Skylar's POV*

My face tightened with annoyance and anger, when I saw that it was that jerk face from before class. You know that crashed into me and made me fall to the ground. Yeah, that one.

The hunter kid - as the teacher called him - spoke up "Sorry, but I had more important things to take care of" he finished off smirking.

The teacher scowled at his words, before shrugging and saying "Just take a seat Mr. Hunter" Wow, what was with that? Teachers aren't supposed to let people off that easily are they?

Not bothering to think about anything anymore, I dropped my head and continued sketching in my book. I was gladly sketching away, keeping to myself until I heard someone clear their throat, to the side of me. I finished the line I was drawing and looked up to see that everyone was gaping at me, while the jerk face stood in front of me.

"What?" I asked rudely, wanting to get back to my drawing. This only made some of the girls and guys in the room, including the teacher to gasp.

Seriously! What is with everybody reacting like that whenever I spoke to this guy, it is so fucking frustrating!

"You're in my seat" He said getting angry. I simply shrugged. I really couldn't careless whose fucking seat this was, because it hasn't got anyone's name on it.

"I said you're in my fucking seat!" He growled out, this didn't affect me though. I had heard worse from my own father many times, so I was way more than used to this.

"Well does it have your name on it?" I asked growing even more frustrated then I was previously. He stared at me threateningly. Did he really think I was going to move for him.

I laughed dryly, before retorting "Well, I am waiting. I don't have all day you know!" I ended sarcastically.

"Do you know who the fuck you are messing with?" He growled loudly, everyone's attention was still on us and I hated it. Being the centre of attention always made me squirm, but today I held back and stayed confident.

"A jerk who has an ego the size of Russia-" before I could finish the teacher finally decided to speak up, cutting me right off.

"Miss Evans and Mr Hunter LUNCH TIME DETENTION!" She yelled, some people snickered and others were still gaping at the scene that uncovered right in front of them.

"What? You-" I began, but was interrupted again by Mrs Chapels.

"Shush, unless you want detention tomorrow! And you Jessie, take a seat beside Miss Evans" that shut me the fuck up. No way in hell was I going to get two detention's.

Groaning I ran my hands over my face. This day couldn't officially get any worse. Oh wait, it can and you want to know how, because I was sitting next to 'Jessie'. Well I think that's his name, oh whatever I don't care what his name is right at this moment.

By this the class had gone back to normal, except for the occasional student glancing back at me. I was blocking out what Mrs Chapel was saying, not really in the mood to listen at all, while I kept drawing.

"Psst" Someone to the right of me whispered. My head shot up, automatically gazing at the person who had broke me of my thoughts.

It was the Jessie guy, sighing I asked "What do you want?" I waited, expectantly.

"What's your name?"

"Skylar" I answered glaring at him. I really just wanted him to shut up and leave me alone. He got me a detention on my first day of freaking school.

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