chapter 5

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Potions class was awkward the next morning. Awkward is actually a major understatement. Draco didn't look at me one single time. When Luna asked him to turn the page in the book he didn't make one side comment. He just turned the page.

I sat with Draco for what seemed like hours on the hall floor last night. He sat with his legs close to his chest and I sat in front of him just holding his hands.

We didn't break eye contact once. I stared into his usually cold grey eyes. His eyes were screaming for help. They were filled with pain. For the first time in years, I saw emotion flood from him. I felt his pain through his eyes and for a split second, I let my guard down.

I felt something other then hatred for Draco Malfoy again.

We were only sitting on that floor for a few minutes, but my gosh it felt like a lifetime of emotion was left in that hall.

Once he calmed down he rolled up his sleeve to look at his dark mark. I put my hand over it and he looked at me shocked. He quickly jerked his arm away and stood up. He looked at me sitting on the floor still and gave me one last look. He thanked me silently with that last look and then he was gone and I was left sitting on the floor, alone and confused.

I'm sitting in the library with Ginny. I'm supposed to be keeping her mind off of Harry leaving in just a few short hours, but I'm doing a terrible job. She is staring at a wall blankly and I've been staring at the same page in my textbook forever. I want to tell her what happened with Draco last night, but I don't think she would understand. I don't even understand it. One minute he is yelling and insulting me, the next he is crying in pain.

I never knew his mark hurt him like that. I wonder what it is like? Is it the physical pain that makes him feel that way or worse, is it the mental pain. I wonder how often that happens to him and why? I have so many questions and just want to walk up to him and ask them all. I want to understand.

"What are you thinking about over there?" Ginny's voice makes me jump slightly and I turn to look at her.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm scared Liv," she sighs and turns toward me. "What if they don't make it back? What if the death eaters catch them? They will torture them all for sure and throw Harry right to you know who!" I turn towards her and grab her hands. She needs me right now.

"We can't think like that. We've all made it this far, love. Harry is one of the strongest wizards I know. He is ready for this. Ron and Hermione are ready too. The three of them will protect each other to the end, you know this. We've seen the trio in action together, Gin. They are unstoppable together and we have to believe they can be one last time." I truly believe every word I just said. Those three are the bravest I know and even though we are all friends, they are special and we all know it. Ginny starts to tear up.

"You are so right, thank you Liv. You always know just what to say and do." I smile at her sadly. I try my best. I honestly have no idea what I am doing ever. I always just react. I never think things through. I've always been that way, even when I was a young child. Draco used to say I was such a reckless fool. I don't know why I am thinking of him in the middle of this conversation. For goodness sake we are enemies whether I saw him having a mental breakdown or not. At least I didn't try to kill him during it like Harry did last year.

Jesus, how long has he been having these attacks?

"It's time," says Neville who is standing in front of us and I didn't even hear him coming. We all stand and give each other a silent 'good luck.'

Usually finding Draco isn't this hard because he is the one stalking me, but I assume he is avoiding me after last night. I walk down the semi crowded halls as people start flowing from dinner. I skipped because I honestly can't stomach anything right now.

unwritten: a draco malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now