chapter 33

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20 years later:

"Draco! Could you get the door, please?" I scream from the kitchen. Draco comes around the corner and leans against the wall smirking at me. He is wearing an all-black suit and his white hair is neatly placed.

"I'll get the door if you tell me how good I look," he says smoothing down his black jacket.

"I can't believe you are wearing that again," I say laughing. I haven't seen him in one of his famous all black Malfoy suits since our last year at Hogwarts.

"Brings back memories doesn't it?" He walks over to me and kisses me on the cheek before making his way to the door. I pour the homemade butterbeer into glasses and smile at my work once I finish. I've become quite good at cooking and baking thanks to Mrs. Weasley's guidance throughout the years.

"Potter," I hear Draco say and I grin.

"Malfoy," replies Harry in the same smug voice.

"Oh, you two will forever pretend to still be enemies won't you?" I hear Ginny say.

Harry, Ginny, and their three kids walk into the kitchen with Draco behind them. Ginny runs over to me and hugs me tightly.

"Olivia, can you believe this day is here already?" She pulls away and smiles at me.

"It feels like they were all just born yesterday," I say looking around for my own two children. I see Scorpius come out from his room and my mouth drops open. "Scorpius Tonks Malfoy," I say covering my mouth. He smiles at me. I look over at Draco and he is grinning at Scorpius.

"I'm glad the suit fits, son," says Draco. I almost begin to cry staring at my son who is a spitting image of his father, especially in his suit. His white hair has a slight curl to it thanks to my genes and he has piercing blue eyes.

"My God, Hogwarts is about to get another mini Draco Malfoy," says Harry, and we all laugh.

"Where is your sister?" I ask Scorpius. Before he can answer his twin sister walks out in her ripped jeans and red sweater. I look at her and smile. That's my girl. Both the twins got their father's hair color, but she looks just like me and Scorpius looks like his father.

We named her Sofia Lupin after the woman at the diner who brought Draco and me back together without even knowing it. Without her inviting me to her home that night we may have never have met again. I still keep in touch with Sofia and Newt. Once their son grew up they decided to leave the small mountain house and travel together. They didn't want the house to sit here empty, so they gave it to Draco and me.

I hear another knock at the door and when I open it I am immediately in the arms of Hermione. She hugs me tightly and I see Ron behind her holding their youngest daughter Rose's hand and their oldest Hugo is standing next to him as well. He looks just like Ron.

"Bloody hell Hermione, let Olivia breathe would ya?" says Ron and she lets go of me and shoots Ron a dirty look.

"Sorry that I'm excited to see my best friend whom I haven't seen in almost a year!" she says. I laugh and let them into the house. Ron hugs me on his way in softly. Before I can close the door I see George, his wife Angelina, and their son Fred II walking to the door.

"Livy!" yells George running up to me. He hugs me tightly and I hug just as tightly back.

"It's so good to see you, George. How's the Weasley's Wizard business going?" He pulls away and grins.

"Going good as ever, training young Freddie here early how to run a business." I look over at Fred and he smiles at me shyly. He is thirteen now and looks just like George when he was younger but without the red hair. He has Angelina's gorgeous brown locks. I turn to Angelina and hug her.

unwritten: a draco malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now