Part 1 - Her eyes full of pain

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The students in the study group were all crammed into Miss Stacy's home, to her dismay.

You could hear Anne and Gilbert talking in the other room, while the teacher served her students a lemonade, you could see Ruby making eyes at Moody sitting at the kitchen table together.

Anne expressed all her frustration, "It's so... Infuriating! Poor Miss Stacy, Poor all of us. Now we're all crammed in here, cramming, because of their heinous actions."

Gilbert was also wound up, but he showed it much more calmly, "I wonder if Mrs. Lynde will actually hold them accountable."

The young redhead replied sarcastically, "Well, if anybody can...", then proudly enough, she added, "I have to say it was exhilarating seeing the change in Mrs. Lynde."

The two friends looked at each other while talking, Anne had a book on her, sitting comfortably next to Gilbert. As for the latter, he was holding a book in his hand and trying to study.

The dark-haired boy chuckled, following his friend's comment, "I bet."

Then, he pointed to the girl's pen, which she herself had already used to write, "Can I borrow your pen?"

She gave him her pen. Then while looking at the young man she said, "We took a stand and accomplished something, despite the repercussions. Hm."

Gilbert laid eyes on Anne as he spoke, while Anne's eyes were once again riveted on her book, "Maybe because of them. The school's burned down, it's awful..."

Miss Stacy grunted on hearing the conversation, "Do not get me started.", and then left the room with a pitcher of lemonade in her hand.

While the brown boy continued his reasoning, "But it's strange. It makes me feel like the world is moveable."

Anne replied, "No matter where life takes me, i now know i must be a relentless thorn in the side of those who refuse to amend the status quo."

He looked at the young redhead with raised eyebrows, "Of course you must.", then with a convinced look on his face he declared, "And I know what I must not be. A country doctor, limited to delivering death sentences. There so much that we don't yet know. I believe we can fix people, save them."

Their eyes met, dreaming, he said, "We just haven't figured out how. I would give anything to be there when we do.", he concludes with a smile.

Anne asked innocently, "Are you going to the Sorbonne?"

Gilbert looked at her out of the corner of his eye, "May as well ask if I can fly.", This made Anne giggle, then confidently he added, "Someday. Someday I will."

A little later, when the two studious students had their noses in their books, Jane arrived with Ruby, and addressed Anne, "Tell her to focus, Anne! The exams are tomorrow, and all she can do is turn geometric shapes into hearts.", she laughed jokingly.

Gilbert, for his part, sighed and lowered his head on his book when he heard these trifles. While Moody, Ruby's object of distraction, laughed at the other end of the room with Charlie.

Ruby protested to the young redhead, "Who says that being romantic is any less respectable than being studious? Ask Gilbert.", Anne glanced at this one. The young blonde continued, "He's the most studious and he's romantic."

At these words, Gilbert raised his head, frowned, and then lowered his head back to his book, trying as best he could to concentrate on his revisions.

This made Anne, who seemed rather embarrassed, giggled, "Well, we're not being romantic. There's nowhere else..."

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