Mornings are the WORST

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What have I done?!

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What have I done?!

It's at this moment that I rethink every life decision I have ever made. It was my first day off all week and he showed up at the crack of dawn to drag me out of my bed, no breakfast, no shower, half awake. So here I am now glaring at him trying to catch my breath, while this bright, big ball of energy, is still dancing, he hasn't dropped a sweat.

"C'mon sunshine, turn that frown upside down!" he says with way too much enthusiasm in his high-pitched voice that is sending a shiver down my spine

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"C'mon sunshine, turn that frown upside down!" he says with way too much enthusiasm in his high-pitched voice that is sending a shiver down my spine.

"HOBI! It's toooo early for this! Can we pleeeaassee go and get some food now?" I whine while dragging out my words.

It feels like we have been at this for hours but in all honesty, it's probably only been about 45 minutes, but I was grumpy I had a great day yesterday with Jin and was finally able to rest but it was cut short when Hoseok decided a morning dance class would be a great way to start the day. I don't know how this is supposed to help me find my passion. I hate dancing.

I was born with two permanent left feet. I could see the simple moves Hoseok was showing me in my mind but couldn't get my limbs to connect with my mind. They just wouldn't comply, and I grew more and more frustrated not getting the moves right. I just couldn't get my body to move in sync with the music as smoothly and gracefully as Hoseok.

"Can you just fucking stop! Dancing is not my thing and I don't wanna keep doing this!" I walk over to the corner sitting down against the wall with a pout.

"Aww, sunshine stop being such a negative Nancy! This is just for fun, plus we can go have a big breakfast to replace all the calories we have worked off." Hoseok dances over to me.

" Hoseok dances over to me

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"I don't want toooooo... this isn't fun for me I'm tired" I groan

"Quick sticks sunshine we are done for now let's go eat!" he says, pulling me up from the ground, practically shouting again while he drapes an arm around my shoulders leading the way out of the studio.


Let's just say breakfast went... Well?

Hoseok never lost his pep and it just kept rubbing me the wrong way. I didn't get how he could be so joyful the whole time while I was clearly being sour. He was now going on and on about all the dance routines we would be learning to do together.

"Hobi! Gosh! Breath man, you haven't stopped talking!" I say exasperated at this point

"I'm just so excited sunshine! Aren't you?!" he eagerly asks me the excitement just radiating off of his energy.

"Not really... I just don't enjoy dancing, I feel like I look stupid." My own energy clashing with his.

"DON'T SAY THAT!" he says harshly, a serious expression taking over his usual joyful one.

"It was our first time doing it, you will get better." He says, trying to soften his tone.

"I can't dance Hobi, there's no hope for me" I grumble with a roll of my eyes so large that I'm sure they could have gotten stuck.

"There's ALWAYS hope! And that's exactly why I'm here, sunshine!" Hoseok says back to his normal high-pitched voice and a heart-shaped smile plastered on his face.

"To teach me to dance?" I ask skeptically a sigh leaving me

"I don't understand how that is a help when I don't like it. I'll never find passion doing it." I state flatly hoping to get my point across about this whole dancing situation.

"Nooo sunshine, I'm here to be your hope! You'll never find your passion with such a bleak outlook on life and I will fix that!" Hoseok confidently says. But let's be honest anyone would seem negative next to this walking boost of serotonin.

"Dance will help you lift your mood, and ease any anxiety you may have, promote self-confidence. It's perfect for you!" his tone becoming more and more excited as he tries to explain his role in this whole setup. I can't help but agree with him despite my hatred of dance.

"Ugh fine BUT if it has to be dance, I never want to do it so early again! Mornings are the worst." My eyes lock on to his, neither of us blinking in this battle of wills. A smile takes over his face.

"DEAL" he shouts before practically jumping over the table and engulfing me in a tight hug. 

And he calls me sunshine...


And that was Hobi's first chapter! What did you think my little Coconuts?

Let me know what songs or dances you think would be fun for Hoblly to learn together!

Here's some love!

Here's some love!

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