We Met That Halloween

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                                                   I walked down the hallways with my best friend Maki at the end of the day. We talked about the club we're in, how we got our talents, she ranted about kids she had to babysit, ect. "Hey, what are you gonna be fir Halloween? It's coming up tonight ya know!" I asked excitedly. "Huh? Oh, I'm gonna be a ghost, you?" She responded. "I'm being a pumpkin!" "Wait, but weren't you a pumpkin last year?" "Yeah, but I still wanna be one! Anyway, I think you'll make a great ghost!" "Thanks. Anyway, I think we're done cleaning the classroom" "Yeah, you did a great job! Ok, see you soon Maki!" "See ya soon."

                       We parted ways, and I started walking to my house, excited about Halloween. "Hey Mom, hey Keiko, I'm home!" I said as I walked in the house. "Welcome back!" Mom responded. "H-Hello Akamatsu!" Keiko said in her soft, timid voice. "O-Oh! This letter came in the mail for you." She handed me an invitation that read,

         "Dear Akamatsus, hello! You are invited to Yuugen's Halloween party! Please be here by 3:00!
   We have a haunted house, f o o d, candy, music played by Hibiki, Kanade, Sayaka, and Ibuki, and festive contests!
                                                   Please arrive with a towel, an appetite, and a costume!
                                                                         Hope To See You There!"

I looked at the paper and my face lit up. I couldn't believe that we where invited to go to a Halloween party!

                                                                     {A/N: time skip because I'm lazy smh}

We arrived in our costumes at 2:59, just a minute before the party started. "Oh! Heya Keiko" my sister's friend Chia said. "H-Hi you guys!" She responded. They dragged her into the haunted house, with her consent of course, with the rest of their class and I got some punch, and I realized a boy sitting in the corner. Assuming he had a bad day, I walked up to him and said, "Hi! I'm Kaede Akamatsu! Are you ok?" "O-oh? Y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm Shuichi Saihara. Nice to meet you as well I guess..." We talked a bit, when I realized he didn't look into anyone's eyes. "Hey, are you not comfortable with looking into people's eyes?" I asked. "N-Not really..." "Why?" We stepped outside and he explained everything. "Well, you shouldn't let that got to you! You're a good person, and regardless, he did wrong! Plus, you should be proud that you solved a murder case!" "Th-Thanks, but-" I then hugged him. "No buts! It's absolutely amazing that you can do that, and you should be proud!" "O-Ok..." he smiled weakly and took off his hat.

                                                                        TO BE CONTINUED...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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