Part 10 - The Two Mutes

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With Aizwa gone, Izuku looked at Isaac with an intrigued look, something feeling familiar about him. Issac stared, going slightly pale in the face as a tear began to drip down his face. The boy with feathers stood up and opened his arms, Izuku bracing for an attack. Instead Isaac brought his arms around the boys body, hugging him with a deep embrace. "I..I.. i... Miss...missed you..." Isaac whimpered as he held the hug, eventually letting go and sitting back in his seat. Then it hit Izuku, who remembered suddenly, "I... oh my god Izzy! I didn't think it was you cause you talked and look so different!" Isaac chuckled after watching the boy sign this out. "Yeah, I started talking after getting over my past... well, I confronted it..." Isaac said with a bulging grin. It was so good to see his friend after all these years.

Izuku smiled back, his eyes looking the other up and down, noticing the many new scars adorning his body. "So, why are you so much more hurt... let alone why were you arrested!"

Isaac shrugged in response while explaining, "Oh nothing much, just associating with the wrong people can get you arrested in Japan apparently. Plus these scars are nothing, just used my quirk too much is all." He chuckled nervously as he looked to his friend. Though Isaac wanted to scream out the truth, he knew if he got Izuku involved nothing good would come of it. His green haired friend was headstrong when it came to helping others. The pair knew each other from a summer Isaac spent in Japan (though Izuku did not actually know why he had been in the country) in which the pair met and hung out while bonding over the lack of spoken language. At times people would mock them but they did not stop Izuku from "accidentally" using his quirk to shut them up.

"You know I can tell you are lying. Clearly the...." Izuku paused trying to think of the right words before they arrived and he signed, "Depressed looking pro hero- arrested you personally. Yet instead of taking you to the police, he took you here. Isaac please, what is going on."

As Isaac began to think of the words, a commotion just outside could be heard heading into the room. While Isaac did not recognize all the voices, Izuku knew some of them. "It is one thing to allow Jakob to stuff his criminal away here- offering him a spot as a student is entirely different!" The one yelling was Aizwa surprisingly, his uncharacteristic attitude seen as he entered alongside Hizashi, Jakob, and Nezu. Ignoring the commotion, Hizashi gave his Son a little wave and a thumbs up as a greeting. "Oi bandage head- don't yell in front of the kids!?" Hizashi said calmly (?), despite it still being pretty loud, as a way to razz his friend while also making sure Aizwa calmed down a little.

Nezu chuckled a little hearing his employees banter while he went up and inspected Isaac. "Oh my, you really do have quite the quirk. Anyways as Eraser Head was saying, I would like to offer you a spot at the school, especially since Seraph vouched for your quirk as well the current circumstances. You will have to take the special exam, but if you pass and get in, you will have more to do then just sitting here staring at the clock until Seraph finishes the case." Nezu spoke with a bit of quirky manner, such as using pro hero names rather then actual names.

Isaac glanced at Izuku who gave the thumbs up an manner eerily reminiscent of his Dad. Sighing, Isaac simply said, "Sure I will do it I guess. Just put me in the General course." Though Nezu countered, "Actually you will get to do the Hero course as an exchange student as to not take away from any students." With what Nezu said in mind and knowing 'get' meant in actuality Isaac 'HAD' to take the hero course, the boy simply nodded his head in agreement. "Then it is settled, I will talk to you some more later but I have stuff I need to attend to. Present Mic and Seraph will be your caretakers!" Nezu said the last lines while waddling out the door with Aizwa and Jakob in tow.

Isaac looked up and asked, "Why you? Like I get 'Mr. Crippling Depression' being in charge of me, but why you as well?" To this Hizashi gave a simple joke that almost seemed plausible at the same time as stupid as it was, "Well we thought you were pretending to be a mute- so why not stick you with the guy who has one as a kid- eheheh." Both of the teens did not know if they should be thankful that Mic did not actually know any real Dad jokes yet.

"Still we will be keeping you on campus since I don't need you bringing those killer vibes to my house and I sure doubt that staying with- as you said 'Mr. Crippling Depression'- is a good idea either. Also from what Aizwa said, you two know each other- which based off both your records makes sense, so we would rather not separate you two if it makes our lives easier. Plus we need someone to translate sign language at times." Hizashi explained to which Izuku quickly asked, "So we are keeping him around as a glorified translator?". To this a simple head nod from his Dad worked to convey the message.

Isaac spoke once more while fidgeting with his hands sheepishly, "So uhm, what kind of exam was the... uhh- Rat? Dog? thing??? Whatever that... being was was talking about?"

"That has yet to be decided but we will likely just hand you off to Aizwa to see if he likes you enough and thinks you have any talent. Plus a written exam which I should go print off. See ya later- ALLIGATOR!!" Hizashi finished off using a higher pitched voice reminiscent of some kind of Rock singer.

With his Dad gone, Iuzku pushed Isaac on the chest and gave him a stern look before telling him off. "I don't know what you did but clearly it was bad and dumb and stupid! No more doing whatever that is- you read me?". The naïve attitude made Isaac chuckle as he reached over and ruffled the green hair of his friend, "Sure- though wish me luck on the written part of the exam, I am still struggling with the Pythagorean Theorem and gerunds... oh wait that last one was an English thing. Uhm- damn I lost my train of thought... Oh! Do you think the kids will like?" Isaac asked as he leaned back into the couch they were sat on, his wings unfurling to not get completely crushed while also acting a blanket.

"Don't worry too much, I am sure you will be fine. Some kids are a bit different but none of the kids are bad- well like maybe one of them but ignore him, he is a just a big ol' ninny" Izuku chuckled at his own joke. The pair continued their conversation on for a little while until Hizashi returned and took Isaac to a room to take the test. Shortly after he was finished Izuku (along with his Dad) watched on a camera as Aizwa made the boy do various activities outside at a training area to the point of nearly passing out before stopping. Despite his earlier anger, Aizwa could be seen being happy though only in a way Hizashi, not his Son, would notice. "Seems like he passed... tomorrow will be vary interesting."

1289 Words,
A.N. Well it is back. I have a lot I want to say but I won't. If you notice any major plot holes and the such let me know, writing after so long can be hard as not everything is in my memory. One thing I will be changing is the use of first names for Pro Heroes other then the Western ones and Hizashi (though only when being referred to by the narrator rather then a person). I did not fully understand that last names were more commonly used then first in the East, so I will fix all of that with time. Welp hopefully Isaac and Jakob along with two other OC's (and maybe more) will help this story in way that you lovely readers agree with.

Stay awesome,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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A Loud Parent ( Mute!Izuku and Orphan!Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now