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bold text means side notes and underlined means talking out loud unless I actually put the quote marks ("") around the text

Background Info

Mari's uncle and aunt (adoptive parents) know about every thing that was going on at school, but couldn't exactly do anything without blowing Mari's sweet goody two shoes act. So they pretended they didn't know, they told her mom. But no one told her dad or bruce who had grown close to Mari after her many visits. So Mari tried to pretend but lie-la wanted Mari gone so she lied about Mari and to no one's surprise it worked, Mari and Chloe already knew their class was dumb.


Mari's pov

I woke up early for once, I had gone to bed at a reasonable time so it was understandable. Over the years of lie-la lying I had gotten used to the looks and hate, so I stayed with my group and barely tried to keep up the act any more. I still wore the outfit and didn't swear but I 'became' colder. Tiki was still asleep so I got ready for school and met up with Chloe (we could finally talk to each other during school because everyone thought I was a bully)

I got to school early and  waiting at the back of the classroom was Kagami (her mother met me and liked me so she let her daughter go to school as long as I was in most of her classes)and Alix (she realized lie-la's lies and left her).  Me and Chloe made our way to them and Mrs. Incompetent starts class (actually mrs. B). We stoped liking her when she blindly fell for lie-la's tricks without checking with her mom or her records, we were annoyed but found a new favorite teacher who we had never realized was better because she was strict (Ms. Mendeleiev - I'm just going to call her mrs m because its easier to spell, but when Mari or friends call her Mrs m they actually say mrs m, when anyone else says it there saying her full name)

Class starts and I pay no attention none of my friends do we all know the material so we do our own thing.  Kagami found a liking for straggly games so she plays a lot of online chess on her phone, Chloe wants to go in to politics so she would do paperwork for her dad, and I'm working on designs and commissions, and Alex was woking on a spray paint design. I forgot to mention with all this extra time on my hand not trying to please my class I spend up my own online store that anyone can order from if they have the money, so I became MDC a famous but unknown identity fashion designer that was employed by famous people and loved by The queen of Fashion and The Waynes (not going to name them all if you've ever read a daminette with MDC then you know the general few).

the first period goes off with out a hitch then between the 1st and 2nd period lie-la gathers her sheep and lies. welp there goes our good day.    said Chloe and we all sighed preparing to get yelled at by alya saying something like were jealous of lie-la for having Adrien.

I knew as we were in our last year of high school we would have an end of year trip that I would have to plan alone because the teacher would give me the responsibility so I planed ahead of time and talked to bruce about a trip to Gotham visiting major sites and Wayne enterprises (Will be saying W.E from now on ) to see if any one found an interest that they could go in to as a career.

I also knew that lie-la would take credit for every thing but I didn't mind as long as I had my friends and my spy's I would be fine (her spy's are  Kim, and Nino. Nino is a friend but pretends to like lie-la and date Ayala for info, Kim is a neutral he doesn't believe lie-la but he doesn't want to leave his friends so he spy's and stays out of the action )


word count 701

the one shot book might be delayed a little sorry

also first one shot is out its about COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🍪 ........... Also Daminette But mostly cookies.

Also listen to this its funny 

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