💦 2 💦 Grammar is Everything 💦

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To some of you, this will sound stupid at first, but our fellow Grammar Nazis will agree; Grammar is everything.

First, let's show you guys a couple of grammatically incorrect sentences. Tell me if you can fix them. ((Also, bonus points if you know what story the characters are from!))

1- "There cat is named Jack!" Anne announced proudly.

2- Lana was sitting in her chair, and she will cross her legs as she stared at her phone.

3- Jacky asked, "Is we going to the Flamelands or the Aqualands?"

4- "Its Jacky!" Tay pointed towards the demonic... thing.

*cringes painfully*

Anyway, we should ignore my pain and start with the first one;
"There cat is named Jack!" Anne announced proudly.
I actually make this mistake quite frequently, along with many others. Well, not just this example. There, their, and they're are very different, yet so similar.

The correct one for 1 is their, which is what you use when talking about a person. The there that was used is, like, "look, over there!" Or, "the store is over there!" And then there's they're, which is a contraction for they are.

Now that you understand that, let's continue on to our second sentence;
Lana was sitting in her chair, and she will cross her legs as she stared at her phone.
This one is kinda annoying, but it CAN be correct if done right. Look at the tense of the words. "Was sitting" is past tense, "will cross her legs" is future tense, and "stared" is still past tense.

To fix this, simply just change "will cross her legs" to "crossed her legs" and you'll be done! It's very simple, actually, like most of these.

Now, our third sentence. This one is;
Jacky asked, "Is we going to the Flamelands or the Aqualands?"
Read that aloud. You can tell what's wrong.

Jacky is no child (in fact, she's a somewhat smart teen), so she shouldn't be saying things with such bad grammar. Let's just change that "is" to an "are" and we'll be good!

Now, our fourth example. Very simple;
"Its Jacky!" Tay pointed towards the demonic... thing.
Now this one is actually quite hard to catch. I occasionally make this mistake, too.

You kind of just add an apostrophe (') to its. As so as it becomes "it's" you'll be good!

There's many other ways to break (and then fix!) your grammar, but those may be handled another day. 

Have a good day, writing buddies!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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