“A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.” ― Washington Irving
"A mother never gives upon her child, no matter what comes her way. Even at the times of dispair and agony she will stay as strong as a wall to bear all the pain and wrath before it passes to her child"
"what is bothering you adi?" Geetha asked caressing his face with the same love and admiration which was lost all these years.Hearing those words full love and care from his mother he completely broke down, keeping his head on his mother's lap he started,
" maaaa... I missed you so much, I missed having your handmade food, your scoldings everything Maa... I am really very ashamed of what I did that day I am really very sorry maa I wanted to ask siya's forgiveness but she had already left before I could meet her. I know Maa I really hurted you and everyone else due to my sudden outburst and rude behaviour but I never wanted this. I am really very sorry maa....."he barely managed to frame the sentence uttering in a chocked voice.
" I know I gave you a very big punishment but I didn't punish you for declining the alliance I punished you for using such words against siya, I punished you for not trusting us regarding your future and most importantly for not giving yourself a chance and still sticking to your past, and moreover who knows a son better than a mother, I know whatever words you said that for siya were just to make us and siya hate you. (His eyes widened at this revelation)
Do you think, you turning around and wiping away your tears will go unnoticed by me?(she asked raising her eyebrows)
And that day itself I got to know that somewhere and somehow siya was able to a make a place in your heart.
But you being a stubborn grown up kid tried to fool your heart as well as us.
Am I right or I am right?" She asked with a smirk.Shock would be an understatement for advait as his eyes popped out from the sockets as soon as he heard his mother's words.
" Maa... U... Knew..." Words were not ready to form and this was the first time he was struggling to make up words.
Geetha ( pulling his ears) I am your mother , I get to know ur pain, ur worries, ur happiness, even each every non sense, good for nothing thoughts that passes your mind everything before you tell me.
I don't say that doesn't mean I am unaware about your feelings sometimes leaving the person alone is better than intruding.
Cause I know someday or the other you will come to me to confess when you feel it is the right time. You are no more a kid adi you are grown up and mature you have seen and experienced worst at the early age of your life and the way you handled everything really makes us proud of you, but beta you lost yourself in all this. I really admire how you were able to cope up with so many loses in your life but still you never let all those things affect you atleast that is what you always pretended in front of everyone but only I know how broken you were from inside, you never let your broken self overcome the perfect adi that was for the world but have you ever noticed when was the last time that you really enjoyed with your friends, when was the last time you laughed wholeheartedly leave all that adi when was the last time you had a peaceful sleep without a nightmare. Adi just kept looking at his mother's face with a blank emotion thinking deeply on her words and then the harsh reality of the words hit him that what ever his mother was saying is really true.
His mother just gave him a warm smile and continued you lost yourself in this the adi I knew was the biggest prankest who didn't even spared his father. Do you remember how you pranked him? She asked with eyes shinning in the beautiful memory of the past. He could see the excitement in his mother's eyes and he was now feeling guilty about how he was hurting his parents with his cold behaviour thinking of his pranks a smile crept on his face with reflected contentment and love.
He just nodded his head slowly and again placed his head on his mother's lap." Maa, that time I was really very confused about my feelings for siya, and as soon as I realised that she somehow has managed to break my walls I started to ignore her and thought, going back was the only way to forget her and to stop myself from getting affected by her, so in order to avoid such feelings to enter I left for USA the very next morning but I was guilty for my words and am still guilty for it so wanted to ask her forgiveness but got to know that she left for mumbai the very last evening.
In USA the more I tried to keep her thoughts away from haunting me the more I started to think about her, the more I wanted to forget her the more I started to miss her presence, I even started hallucinating her at times and after the last night dream,....I realised what wrong I was doing to Siya to you all, by not accepting my love for her. Just because of a dark past and not being able to overcome that horrifying incident I am not only punishing myself but even you all and siya. For the world I may be the roughest, stonehearted, determined businessman for whom nothing matters and whose only aim is to win every battle but I am really not Maa.. I am a big loser in real life, a coward who is running from it's past instead of facing it. Only I know how these two years were a living hell for me, I was having a war everyday Maa with my tormenting past and beautiful future and was not able to choose between them."( Laying out a sarcastic laugh all the tears that were bottle up for years started to flow down without his permission with those tears even the memories it the painful past started fading away.... Leaving him in peace) thinking of siya his memory travelled in her beautiful thoughts where they together admired the beauty of nature though they had spent only 2 days together but it was enough to make memories with her and those two days of his life were the best in the past 4 years where he was enjoying everything with contentment and heart remenscing about those days a smile crept on his lips and closed his eyes to capture the moment until he was drowned in a deep slumber............

Entangled With You💫 (✅ Complete)
Narrativa generaleMom....... What is wrong with you? How can you think that she will be perfect for me? Listen I just came here because you insisted me no not insisted me but blackmailed me to come here or else visiting India so soon was no where in my plans. Mom ple...