Instagram Sucks For Me

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Later that day as my mom drove us to dance, I was scrolling through Instagram when I found a fan page I was following had posted a "block this account" picture. The name of the account was "@maddieparkersucks" I clicked on the account and looked through the pictures they had posted. There was one picture of me that was edited to make me have huge, yellow buck teeth and a bunch of warts and stuff on my face. The caption read "what Maddie really looks like without all the editing the producers do 😂" Tears stung in the back of my eyes and I went to the comments. A bunch of people were talking about me being ugly, stupid, and fat; and people saying they hate me and that I was a horrible dancer. One comment said, "Maddie's an ugly idiot and a terrible dancer. No wonder Danae replaced her with Sophia!" By this time tears were streaming down my face and I logged off of Instagram. I looked out the window and saw we were almost at dance so I quickly wiped the tears from my face and put on a smile. My mom stopped the car and I got out to go inside. After changing and doing my hair I stretched while I waited for pyramid. "You okay Mads?" Brielle asked. "I'm fine. Sorry for getting so mad at you." I told her. "It's okay. You were having a pretty rough day." Brielle replied just as Miss Danae walked in and told us it was time for pyramid. I sighed and got up to follow the other girls.

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