Chapter fifteen.

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Third person's pov

Clara woke up the next morning feeling sore. She had an ache between her legs. It reminded her of the night they had had. The night that had turned into Dawn.

He had woken her  few more times for more rounds. He had shown her with his touches and the way he looked at her that she was wanted. Anytime she had felt herself drained,  she had only to touch him and power would seep into her. And with it lust.

She moved her body closer to his resting her head on his chest, as she relished on his warmth. He had given her all she had ever dreamed of and more, and for that she fell for him all over again.

She placed a kiss on his cheek and he stirred in his sleep. She continued to kiss all over his face and in return he tightened his arms around her waist and pulled her more to him.

She winced at his actions and his eyes shot open.
"Are you okay love? Did I hurt you?" he asked worriedly.

She blushed furiously and snuggled deeper to him before shaking her head negatively.

"Well then what's wrong? " he asked.

How was she supposed to explain to him that she was sore because of last night? She just prayed that he drops the subject.

"Clara please answer me "
Well, so much for dropping the subject.

"Well I'm a little sore.  You know  down there "she answered her voice just above a whisper.

"I'm sorry, I didn't go easy on you. I focused on my own needs instead of you. Please forgive me love"

She giggled before saying "you weren't that hard on me. It's just because it was my first time. And don't worry it's not that bad. Nothing a warm bath won't fix"

They spent the  day together, talking about random stuff and enjoying each others company.

Marks business had been doing even better since they met.  Clara on the other hand was midway through her medical course.
She had wanted to work,  be independent and make her own money but Mark wouldn't allow it.

John and Nadia had started dating a few weeks after Nadia confessed that she liked John. After Clara had moved in with Mark,  Nadia moved in with John so that she wouldn't stay alone.

They lived a few blocks away from Mark and Clara and they would sometimes visit.

"Mark?"Clara called.

"Can we invite John and Nadia over dinner? "

"Sure, love. Why not"

"Okay I'll just call Nadia"

Nadia had confirmed to Clara's that they would be coming for dinner in the evening. She had then rushed to the store to buy groceries and everything she needed to make dinner.

She was working on the food when she felt familiar pair of arms wrap around her. She leaned back into him and relaxed.

"So, what are you making? " Mark inquired nibbling on her neck.

"I'm making some fish stew with ugali. Nadia loves it "(ugali is a dish made from maize flour)

"Oh so it's only Nadia you want to please and not me" He pouted as he continued to suck on the flesh of her neck.

"Mark.... stop...I....  I need to....finish.  They'll be here soon " Clara stated,  breathless.

"But I'm not doing anything. Your hands are free. You can use them now can't you love"

"I can't think straight when you're doing what you're doing. Please stop"

"OK I'll stop. After all I'm done "

"What do you mean, you're done? "

"Go see for yourself in  the mirror " He said with a smirk on his face .

"Clara rushed to the bedroom to look at herself in the mirror.  Of course he had given her a hickey. A big one at that.

"Maaaarrrk"she shouted as she rushed back in to the kitchen.

"What is it love? "

"Don't you play innocent with me. You mister gave me a hickey. What if Nadia and John see it. She will tease me about it till I die.And you..... why are smiling? You think that this is funny? "
She asked moving closer to him clearly pissed.

"No, okay maybe a little. I mean you look cute when you're mad sexy even " he finished wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Here I am complaining about your hickey and instead  of you seeing your mistake and apologizing I am turning you on? You are mad.  Mad I tell you, crazy."

He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing into the bedroom but only after mouthing a 'only for you love' making her smile all her anger long forgotten.

She went back to making dinner as they waited for Nadia and John to arrive.

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