✩Three Warmth

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[Day 2 since Devlin's return]

✩...Three Warmth

The flurry snow crunched under my thick, wool boots as I walked towards the street that lead to Devlin's apartment. My fingers ached from carrying the bags filled steaming containers of food. I figured since he had only returned, he wouldn't have the time to go out and buy groceries for himself.

The sidewalk was empty. It was too cold, I suppose, to be out for a walk. Mrs. Norris, the old lady from next door, emerged from the stairs winding up the towering brick apartment buildings. She had a typical granny kind of resemblance, the ones who bakes cookies and sweet muffins in their small, cozy kitchens. Yet her personality told a whole another story. She probably was stricter than army sergeant, considering the fact that she was an ex-army official so it made sense.

"Good morning, Mrs. Norris," I bowed my head slightly as she reached the foot of the stairs.

"Morning, Alice," She pressed her lips into a thin line. "Though it none of my business, the boy returned pretty late last night. Been gone for weeks and he suddenly shows up," By boy Mrs. Norris was referring to Devlin. I don't know why she never liked calling him by his name.

"Oh, sorry that he didn't inform you. He had gone to Nepal,"

"Kids these days," She sighed. "Anyways, quite the ruckus he put up last night. Tell him to keep it down from the next time,"

Ruckus, I frowned. Hopefully, he was alright.

"Well, I'm late for class." She worked as a chemistry teacher at the community college. "You keep eye on him. Good thing he has people who care,"

Mrs. Norris fixed her gold rimmed spectacles on her crooked nose. Her grey eyes became slightly watery. She looked like a small, weepy gnome.

All the neighbors thought Mrs. Norris was nosy and whiny. No-one took the time and effort to simply realize that the old lady was lonely. No children or grandchildren to look after, no relatives of hers were alive. She had sacrificed her entire life for the nation.

"Can we join you for dinner? I swear my cooking skills are getting worse by the day,"

A smile lighted Mrs. Norris papery features. "As long as you bring some steamed rice, I can make the stew,"

"Sure thing," I grinned.


I rang the bell to apartment 303 a couple times. No answer. I even tried knocking the hardwood door until by knuckles began throbbing with red spots.

"God damn it! Devlin, what are you doing in there?" I slammed my hand on the cold door.

Is he alright? What should I do? Who should I call?

I dug my fingers into my leather satchel and pulled out my cellphone. The long list of numbers blurred on the flashing screen. I pressed the first number I could recall which happened to be Sarah's.

The phone ringed for couple minutes in that monotonous, annoying ringing sound. With fear binding my heart in iron welded shackles, my hands trembled as though shook by avalanche.

"Moshi mosh?" Smooth Japanese flowed from the other side. It was probably Sarah's husband, Akihiro.

I furrowed my eyebrow together. Where's Sarah then?

"This is Alice. I need to speak with Sarah,"

There was a loud grunt of disapproval on the other side. "Maji de. Not in a million years. My tsuma has enough stress to deal with,"

"Please," I was literally begging. "It's really urgent,"

"Sarah's pregnant, okay? The child and her don't need any more of this shit," Sarah? Pregnant? If this were any ordinary situation, I would have stopped and congratulated Akihiro and Sarah.

"You don't understand."

"I'm sorry. Warui," With those last words, the phone line went dead.

I called Bre next. My phone call went straight to voicemail. I called Yuv after that. The same happened with him too. Why do feel like they're avoiding my calls? I finally called Brandon. After a few rings, he picked up and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brandon, I've been calling everyone. Where are you guys? Devlin's not opening his door. I think he might have done something-"My tensed dialogue was interrupted by the sound of laughter.

"Hello?" Brandon spoke into the phone that means he hadn't been listening. "Who is this?"

"It's me, Alice." I tried to bite off the rude remark resting on the tip of my tongue.

"Oh, Alice. I got to go. Sorry, talk to you later," He abruptly cut the call.

What kind of friends were they? The phone felt like a dead weight in my hand. Think, Alice, think. You're alone again. Devlin's on the other side of the door and he probably needs your help.

My eyes widened as the realization hit me. The keys. I reached into my satchel and soon pulled out the golden pair of keys, the ones Devlin had given me when I used to live with him. Why hadn't thought of this earlier?

I inserted the key into the lock and the door clicked open to life. After tucking the keys and the cellphone into my satchel, I stepped inside. The air inside was murky. Devlin had opened the blinds of the seating room. Light danced around with the dust settled on the furniture. God, this place needed some serious cleaning.

"Devlin!" I called his name, stepping over the toppled sofa. How did that happen? Looping my fingers under the strap of my satchel, I set it and food containers on the kitchen counter. The hall was a cluttered mess, scarps of newspaper littered across its once speckles carpet.

I stepped inside Devlin's room and released the breaths I had been holding for so long. There he was, soundly asleep in his bed. The brown checkered quilt bundled at his feet. He was still wearing the clothes from yesterday- the loose fitted grey t-shirt and black Levi jeans.

Why hadn't he heard the bell? As far I remember, Devlin was a light sleeper. The slightest sound used to wake him up. This is when I caught sight of the bottles of pill lying open on his bedside table.

I walked over to his bed and took seat near his arms. Picking up the white bottle, I realized that they were sleeping pills. How many did he take? And why? I set it back on the table, next to his black framed glasses.

I stroked his forehead with the tips of my fingers. My other hand rested on his shoulder, rising and falling whenever his chest rose. The white pillow's fabric was wet with tears. I don't know. Had he cried last night? I traced the hollows under his eyes.

Shifting my position, I settled myself next to him. The gentle, familiar warmth of his body stealing all the tension and fear from earlier.

"Devlin," I whispered and reached for his hand. "I don't know if I'm strong enough for both of us,"


Moshi mosh- greeting like hello

Maji de- no way

Tsuma- wife

Warui- sorry

A bit of a short chapter.Hopefully, there will be lot more Devlin in the next chapter.

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