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The sun’s beams hit my eyes as I groaned, being pulled closer to Mark’s chest. My mind was still foggy, but was still clear enough to wonder, “Since when is Mark such a cuddle bug?”

Suddenly there was a very quick paced knocking on the door, as if the person knocking was hitting the door at 100 beats per second. Mark groaned as his crusty eyes finally started to open. I tried to hold back my laughter, but let out a quiet giggle. Mark had eye boogers down to his nose!

I wriggled from his arms and got up to open the door since the knocking still had not stopped.

“I’m coming! Calm down!” I yelled.

I opened the door and before I even had time to register who it was knocking, I was engulfed into a bear tight hug with a head nuzzled into my neck.

“Noona!!” The voice chirped as he rubbed his face into my chest in a loving manner.

Renjun, who was right behind this “mystery” voice, just rolled his eyes, “I don’t think any of us can catch a break with this kid… Haechan! You saw Eunbi literally less than 14 hours ago, let her go you weirdo.”

Now who I know to be Haechan, swayed me gently back and forth in his arms, “But I like her too much… It's not my fault I’m like this.”

I finally just giggled and raised my arms to hug him back, using one hand to stroke the back of his soft hair. I looked down to see him smile softly with his eyes closed. What an angel, how dare I ever compare him to a “brat”.

“Haechan! There's people that would like to come inside, but you’re blocking the doorway!” Renjun scolded.

Haechan looked up at me with his sweetest little smile, enough to make my heart melt on the spot, “I’m glad to see you again noona, I waited all night for your company. I hope we can spend time well today.” He spoke softly as he finally let me out of his hug and intertwined his fingers with mine, taking me out of the doorway so we could sit on my roomies bed.

After we moved the rest of the Dreamies, along with Ten, Jaehyun, and Johnny all came in at once and found themselves all a place to sit.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so affectionate in my life.” Ten mumbled as Haechan leaned over and let his head rest on my shoulder, our hands still intertwined with each other.

“Well we are happy to introduce you to Haechan, probably the world's biggest cuddle bug. And he’s like that with everyone. And so is Jaemin…” Jisung said, mumbling the last part about Jaemin as if he was having war flashbacks.

Jaemin smiled big and pulled Jisung into his lap, “It’s because you’re my baby!~ Mmmm, is my baby happy today? Hmmm?” Jaemin cooed as he stroked Jisungs hair.

“AH! AHHH!” Jisung screeched as he tried to get away from Jaemin, but Jaemin had a strong grip on Jisung, and seatbelted him into his lap.

I giggled as I watched the two. They were adorable! Jaemin really seems to love Jisung. Mark finally sat up, and without hesitation Ten started roasting him in English, “Mark you have eye boogers!! They so crusty I don’t even know how you can see!!”

Mark squinted and looked around, still trying to wake up. He slowly got up and waddled into my bathroom, looking like he had barely even understood what Ten said to him.

It was quiet for a moment, until we heard a shriek.


The room erupted into loud laughter of all different types. The most prominent and loudest of the laughs being Chenle’s, who had a shrill dolphin-like laugh. Mark came stumbling out of the bathroom practically scraping his eyes with a rag.

“I have absolutely no idea how my eyes got like that! They’re usually never like that!” Mark pouted.

“Yes they are, I just clean them off for you in the mornings before you wake up.” Ten said with an innocent smile on his face.

Mark looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and glossy eyes, before finally letting his body practically fold as he groaned loudly, “OWHH!! GROSS!”

Everyone quietly giggled again. What a start to the morning, it was definitely very active.

“So what do you guys wanna do today?” Jaehyun asked.

“Uh, I wanna play board games! You guys can have the gaming system, I don’t care.” Mark said as he stood up straight, going to get monopoly out of the drawer he left it in last time.

“I’m playing too!” I chirped.

“Me too! I’m determined to win a game of Monopoly, even if it kills me!” Ten exclaimed as he scooted to a spot near where Mark had already sat down, “I’m the cat piece.”

“I’m doing anything Noona is doing.~” Haechan cooed as he followed me down to the floor to pick his piece.

I sat down across from Ten and Haechan got behind me, spread his legs, and pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Haechan, how are you gonna play if you’re sitting behind me with your body pressed against my back and your arms around my waist?”

“Just move my piece for me.~” He mumbled affectionately.

“I’m convinced this kid sleeps cuddling somebody.” I grumbled.

“I do, I can’t sleep if I don’t.” Haechan took a piece of my hair and started playing with it as he rubbed his cheek against the back of my neck.

I just rolled my eyes and picked the little trash can looking piece. It was my favorite! I picked the top hat piece for Haechan to use, and he had no complaints. This left Mark with the boot, his second favorite piece (right after the dog, which was nowhere to be found).

“Well that leaves the rest of you to fight over the video games. Let the hunger games begin.” Mark giggled as he looked at the rest of the people who would not be joining us in our spectacular game of Monopoly.

We started to hand out money and get prepared for the game as everyone else was busy trying to divide up a schedule so they could take turns. I tuned in and out of their conversation here and there but heard Chenle say, “I don’t care what time it’s my turn, as long as I get to play with Jisung!” 

Then Jisung said, “And I wanna play first, so move over losers me and Chenle are going. You just sit back and watch the pros!”

I smiled to myself. Those two were way too adorable for their own good. If me and Mark weren’t besties I’d say they were the cutest best friends in this room. But obviously me and Mark had them beat.

I turned back to our game, where Ten was insisting he went first since it would “help him win”, while Mark just sat there with a smug look on his face, “Ok Ten, whatever you think will help.” Mark looked at me and we both started to laugh.

We all knew who’d be winning the game, it was obvious that me and Mark were gonna win with a tie. We always do! We’ve been playing since we were little kids, and we’re practically masters by now. We might as well have just invented the game we were so good.

Oh, sometimes I feel just the tiniest bit of remorse for Ten. But not really. Not our fault he sucks, ha!

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