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Me and Mark laid in bed together as he cried and snuggled into me for his life, “I want us to be together forever Eunbi, I don’t know what I’ll do if we split apart after graduation. I mean, I’ve been with you for almost my whole life basically.”

I turned to Mark and wiped his tears away and continued to hold him, “It’ll be okay Mark, even if we do split not even a million miles could stop me from coming to see you.”

I felt kinda bad because my speech made Mark realize that his future he had planned with me could possibly not happen, and he just broke. I mean, I’d happily do anything to ensure it does, I wanna be with Mark forever too, but I guess I’m just a little more aware of our life plans and what it would do to us than he is.

Around an hour passed and it was nearing close to visiting time ending when we received a knock on my door. I knew it wouldn’t be my roomie Sohee because she honestly hardly ever comes home anymore, I think she might have worked herself to death or something.

I opened the door and there stood Ten with his awkward smile, “Uh hey Eunbi, have you seen Mark? He hasn’t come back to the dorm or texted me at all, so I figured you might know where he was.”

I moved from the door so he could see sad little Mark sniffling and crying, “He’s right here with me. He’s staying tonight.”

“Isn’t that against the rules? And whats wrong with him?”

“Mid life crisis.” I avoided his other question because I didn’t want to think about it.

“Oh, well then I guess I’ll go hang with someone else until hours are over. Just wanted to make sure the brat was safe, take care of him Eunbi.”

I nodded and slowly closed the door as I watched him walk off down the halls. Finally as I got the doors closed I felt Marks arms wrap around my waist as he snuggled his face into my neck and sniffled.

I turned around to hug him and pet his hair, “Mark you’ll be alright. The real question is what about you and Johnny? Cause I know I’m not leaving you, I’ve invested too much time into you.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I’m staying with Johnny. I’ll invite you to our wedding as our only bridesmaid. I’m gonna be the bride.” After all day finally cracked a smile and we both burst out laughing.

“Yeah and we can go dress shopping for you together!”

“Speaking of, do you still have that photoshop app?”

I only smirked.

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