⚜ i'm really tired⚜

298 14 14

Present time

🗡Killer's pov🗡

Ah what a wonderful morning rising, sun is shining, birds are singing, flowers are blooming into the grass, oh! what could ever go so wron-


Well just ofcourse something could go wrong..
i mean how couldn't it be much worse. I got up went to the bathroom and changed my clothes there, trew the dirty ones in the laundry basket and went down stairs seeing Chara already eating breakfast and a very tired Skeleton resting his elbows on the counter beside the coffee machine, drinking coffee. "Mornin' Chara" I murmured,
Walking up to them ,also ignoring the pissed off Skeleton named Hate death staring at me for probably no damn reason, taking a seat to sit next to the human."So what did you call me for?" I asked stuffing a slice of bread into my mouth muffeling the few last words. Hate stared at me then at Chara than back at me, I notice that Chara nodded at Hate like they were planning something, then he said

" well. Killer me and Chara were talking and we called for you cause we want you to join the ballet academy after school hours."

I almost choked on the slice of bread i was eating on. 'Wait wait did he just say ballet?! Dude it's literally a girls thingy' I tought.

"Hate why did you even sign me up?! I- i can't even dance!" I stuttered slaming the palm of my hands hard on the table probably gonna regret that because that's gonna leave a bruise and a crack on the table.

" haiz! Kills it's been two years since that little incident happend. You can't just wake up go to school then go home to you're room and do nothing like a lazy sloth. We know you went through something horrible in the past but still atleast try it, for us right, Hate" Chara said looking up to Hate trying to get some backup "Hm? Oh yeah what they said" Wow he didn't even realize that they were even talking geez."And I remembered that time when we were kids you joined a kinder ballet show once!" Chara yelled to me but I was already upstairs in my room getting ready for school.

((A/N I do not know if you guys had a kinder ballet thingy cause I did))

After I got my stuff ready I waited outside for Chara to come, so we both could go to school together since we are in the same class year and we have the same classes together . They took about two or five minutes to come outside with their satchel, but we probably will still come early there and Hate had already left for collage so he ain't coming back for awhile. As we were walking and a bit of chit chating there and there, i
accidentally bumped into a tall figure and when I say a tall figure I'm sayin like more than eight inches taller than me and I'm 6,3. "Watch it no eyes" the tall person grumply said behind us stomping away, "huh rude much" Chara mutter under their breath.

We kept quiet til we came to the school gates then I saw a little blur of someone or something running and came more closer- "Hey guys!" Said the cheerful person, it was Steph.
"Steph is that you?, you came pretty early today" I said "Mhm! Come'on let's go inside it's freezing." Steph said dragging us into the school building "Wait what about the other's?" Chara said looking behind us. "Eh their problems if they came late." I said draging Chara As we went inside (Hell-) School

{Time Skip cuz the Author didn't want to wright about hole school day}

[Third pov]

"See ya tomorrow guys!"Steph said running out of the school gates disappearing in thin air. "well that was a interesting day" Chara said calmly, enjoying the lovely breeze of wind flowing into their body structure.
"HA! Oh really having a math test and had a science project that you completely forgot about, yeah that's so enjoyable!!" Killer said sarcastic, Chara just groand rolling their eyes.

As they walked over to the crossway, a big blood red colour car drove slowly through the crossway and stopped right infront of them almost hitting them, the window of the car door(?) Flew down and that person in side was....

See ya in the next Chapter ;P

Bish you thought i was gonna say sike nah!

(Thank you Steph_Ink_Lover for letting me mention you in this chapter just tell me if you felt uncomfortable I could change it anytime! and if you're wondering why Chara and hate are in there well I felt like Killer should atleast know some people before starting this and
why Hate? Well if you didn't know he's like made of pure hate, literally just embodied of hate and ya know killer he has hate tears dripping down his eyesockets so yeah. (it was a friend of mine who pointed this out)

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